- copy the contents of bookmarklet.js and paste it into your bookmarks tab
- Check for any mistakes you may have made
- If you are certain it is a problem with the code, make an issue
- Moby Max has attempted to patch this hack. It now only works in certain categories
- This respitory and other forks of this project would like to make it clear that we do not support or condone the use of our exploit for cheating or manipulating Moby Max assessments. Our exploit was developed for educational purposes only, as a proof of concept to demonstrate the potential vulnerabilities in the Moby Max system.
- New Version explains which learning sections of Moby Max this hack works on.
- Fix the Fill In the Blank Hack so that you dont have to click the button every new problem, it updates for you.
- Changed the anime website to a better one
- Deleted games that were blocked.
- Focus Time hack fixed but it's using a different method and you have to keep the tab open
- Small difference in styling
- New Alert Box
- Official Transfer of names between VirescentOverlord and Futzumi
- Infinite Time on Moby Max Games
- New Prompt Box
- Expanding to more sections of Moby Max