This is a Yii Framework 2 Wrapper/Adapter for Tactician Command Bus Library. It provides an easy way to use the command bus pattern in Yii2 Based apps.
Tactician is a great fit if you’ve got a service layer. If you’re not sure what a service layer is, Martin Fowler’s PoEAA is a good starting point. Tactician’s author also did a talk on the subject.
Commands really help capture user intent. They’re also a great stand-in for the models when it comes to forms or serializer libraries that expect getter/setter objects.
The command bus itself is really easy to decorate with extra behaviors, like locking or database transactions so it’s very easy to extend with plugins.
If you’ve got a very small app that doesn’t need a service layer, then Tactician won’t offer much to you.
If you’re already using a tool that provides a command bus (like Broadway), you’re probably okay there too.
$ composer require astrotechlabs/yii2-tactician
First you must have configure your Yii Dependency Injection Container to be able to use Command and Handler classes within it.
You should have something like this in your config/web.php
$config = [
'id' => 'your-app-id',
'container' => [
'definitions' => [
MyClassCommand::class => MyClassHandler::class
'components' => [
IMPORTANT: you must follow the conventions below:
- Your Command class must be suffixed by
; - Your Handler class must be:
Same Command Class Name
+Without Command Suffix
The last one is register Yii2TacticianCommandBus component in your config/web.php
file, as below:
$config = [
'id' => 'your-app-id',
'container' => [
'definitions' => [
MyClassCommand::class => MyClassHandler::class
'components' => [
'commandBus' => [
'class' => AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Yii2TacticianCommandBus::class
// other components...
Define a Command
class somewhere in your application, for example:
class MyClassCommand
public $someParam;
public $someOtherParam;
public function __construct($someParam, $someOtherParam = 'defaultValue')
$this->someParam = $someParam;
$this->someOtherParam = $someOtherParam;
Define your Handler
class should be something like:
class MyClassHandler
public function handle(MyClassCommand $command)
// do command stuff here!
// we can use $command->someParam and $this->someOtherParam
Now we can use this command in controllers or wherever you want:
public function actionDoSomething()
$queryParam = Yii::$app->getRequest()->get('some_param');
// Here the magic happens! =)
$result = Yii::$app->commandBus->handle(new MyClassCommand($queryParam));
if ($result === true) {
return $this->redirect(['go/to/some/place']);
return $this->render('some-awesome-view');
You can use a command class as String Path instead of concrete object. For this case, just do:
$config = [
'id' => 'your-app-id',
'container' => [
'definitions' => [
// you can use any string here.
'' => MyClassHandler::class
'components' => [
Your Handle Class should be as follows:
class MyClassHandler implements AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Handler
public function handle(MyClassCommand $command)
// do command stuff here!
// we can use $command->someParam and $this->someOtherParam
public function commandClassName(): string
return MyClassCommand::class;
IMPORTANT: in this way your Handler Class MUST implements the AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Handler interface and your Command Class MUST implements AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Command.
Your controller action or anywhere else:
public function actionDoSomething()
$result = Yii::$app->commandBus->handle('', [
'someParam' => 'abc',
'someOtherParam' => 'def'
// .. other logics
Under the hood the Command Bus System will call:
where $command
argument is created inside that like:
MyClassCommand::create([someParam' => 'abc', 'someOtherParam' => 'def']);
Enjoy =).
- Kilderson Sena - Owner - Yii Academy
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This package is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE for details.