This is the information for installing, starting and maintaining the lifi table software
The table is an http server listening on port 3000. It is designed to recieve an array of image data from the client an update the table.
Avaliable endpoints are
- / - access retrives the client
- /stop - stop the animation and clears the LED buffer
- /init - restarts the LEDS
The image data is send via a websocket the connection to which can be established at /render
The server is a node.js server that listens on port 3000.
The server process is managed by pm2
The source for the server is in /server
The client is single page web application that renders the vsualisation using webgl.
It provides some basic parameters to control the table animation
source can be found in /src
It is designed to run on chrome
The client is compiled by webpack and put into /dist where the server actually serves the page from
The table server is set up to run node.js 9 on a Raspberry pi 3 Model B running Raspbian Stretch Lite
To set up on a new sd card run the following
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install -g pm2
sudo mkdir /var/www
sudo chown pi /var/www
sudo chmod 711 /var/www
pm2 startup
follow the instructions from pm2 startup
Next on your development machine build the app by running
npm run build
Then copy /server, package.json, package-lock.json and /dist to /var/www on the server.
On the server install
cd /var/www
npm install
Its now ready to run
sudo pm2 start /var/www/server/index.js
sudo pm2 save
Now the server will be avaliable and will start with server reboot
It may be usful to run the table server as a wireless access point so you can connect to it
We followed [this guide to set it up]