Search for the city you want to see the weather in, and just click the button to get instant weather information.
Get all the relevant weather information about the city you searched for. Everything from the current temperature and what it feels like to humidity, wind speed, and even sunrise and sunset times because everyone needs to look at a sunset atleast once a day.
Want to go on a run of bike ride in two days but you are not sure how the weather will be? No worries, WeaWhere provides relevant weather information for the whole week. Just find the day you would like to know the weather for and see if it will be perfect for a bike ride or a cozy blanket and hot cup of coffee.
Provides error handling for incorrect city nammes or invalid input.
- Change between Celcius and Fahrenheit with the click of a button
- Fully responsive, works on any device size
- Loading animation while the relevant weather information is being fetched
- Reactjs
- TailwindCSS
- Vite