This program displays three different curves and one surface, specifically when running the executable the given choices are given with the right click menu:
- An interpolation curve. To draw this curve, a transformation matrix was inserted, to convert the control points of the desired interpolation curve to control points of the equal bezier curve. OpenGL does not support functions for interpolation curves.
- A 6-th degree Bezier curve with 7 control points.
- Two 3-rd degree Bezier curves with C1 continuity.
- A bezier surface, where the corner control points have their x-coordinate equal to 0 and the other control points have their x-coordinate equal to 20. The surface can rotate with the left and right arrows of the keyboard.
In the first 3 options the control points can be moved using the left click of the mouse.
Source code and windows executable are included. The program was created during a university project.