- Forecasting the production of rice using ARIMA model
- Bivariate analysis
- Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/code/vaibhavkhande/analysis-on-crop-production-in-different-countries/notebook
- Preprocess the data
- Removed columns not required
- replace() and dropna() to remove null values
- Used groupby() to calculate the mean crop yield for each country
- To understand trends and patterns [upward or downward trend]
- To detect changes in variance [shift in the underlying process (depending on SD changes)]
- To assess stationarity [statistical properties do not change over time]
- To improve forecasting accuracy [smooth out the data]
- To check whether the time series is stationary or not
- To stabilize the variance of the data
- To convert multiplicative relationships into additive relationships
- To make the data more normally distributed
- To identify seasonal patterns
- To stabilize the variance of the data
- To make the time series stationary
- To stabilize the variance of the data
- To model and analyze the data using traditional time series techniques
- To compare and analyze data at different lags
- To identify the time delay between the two variables
- To better understand the relationship between them
- To visualize crop prodction from 1990 to 2020
- To find the frequency
- To separate a time series into trend, seasonality, and residual (or noise)
- ACF: the correlation of the time series with its past values over different lags
- PACF: the correlation of the time series with its past values over different lags, but without the influence of other lags
- Uses past values of a variable to predict its future values
- Parameters
- p, the number of lagged values (order of autoregression)
- q, the number of past errors q (order of moving average)
- d, the number of times the time series is differenced to make it stationary (order of differencing)
- Used to identify trends and patterns in data
- Used to make predictions about future trends
- Used for time series analysis and forecastingÂ
- To compare the predictions of the model against the actual data
- Calculated as the average of the squared forecast error values
- Prediction: the process of using a model to make an educated guess about an outcome or result
- Reverse transformation: the process of converting a transformed value back to its original form
- To transform the data so that each data point represents the cumulative sum of the previous data points
- To visualize the forecasted values of an ARIMA model
- By implementing ARIMA Model predictive values are almost accurate to the actual outcomes
- Though the prediction from ARIMA model nearly is accurate, if there is a major breakdown in climatic conditions this model can not predict the accurate values