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David-Alexandre Chanel edited this page Jun 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

These protocols are now deprecated and are here for informational purpose

  • Old tools might support only v1
  • Most tools support both v1 and v2
  • Recent tools support v2+ automatically
    * Augmenta OSC Protocol V1.0

        /au/personEntered   args0 arg1 ... argn
        /au/personWillLeave args0 arg1 ... argn
        /au/personUpdated   args0 arg1 ... argn

        where args are :        
        0: pid (int)                        // Personal ID ex : 42th person to enter stage has pid=42
        1: oid (int)                        // Ordered ID ex : if 3 person on stage, 43th person might have oid=2
        2: age (int)                        // Time on stage (in frame number)
        3: centroid.x (float 0:1)           // Position projected to the ground
        4: centroid.y (float 0:1)               
        5: velocity.x (float -1:1)          // Speed and direction vector
        6: velocity.y (float -1:1)
        7: depth (float 0:1)                // Distance to sensor (in m) (not implemented)
        8: boundingRect.x (float 0:1)       // Top view bounding box
        9: boundingRect.y (float 0:1)
        10: boundingRect.width (float 0:1)
        11: boundingRect.height (float 0:1)
        12: highest.x (float 0:1)           // Highest point placement
        13: highest.y (float 0:1)
        14: highest.z (float 0:1)           // Height of the person

        /au/scene   args0 arg1 ... argn

        0: currentTime (int)                // Time (in frame number)
        1: percentCovered (float 0:1)       // Percent covered
        2: numPeople (int)                  // Number of person
        3: averageMotion.x (float 0:1)      // Average motion
        4: averageMotion.y (float 0:1)
        5: scene.width (int)                // Scene size
        6: scene.height (int)
        7: scene.depth (int)
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