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Releases: Aussiedroid/AD-EDWarthogEnhancedScript

Update 4.3.0

28 Jun 07:09
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Update 4.3.0: Isolation Observance

-> Some minor improvements based on user feedback and alignment to changes in Fleet Carriers update.

New to the script? Be sure to also check out the Beginners Reference Map in the download pack to get started.

List of Changes:

  • NEW: Set Custom Deadzone on Slew Axes on the Throttle Arm for better FA Off lateral thruster control. Change via the new SLEW_DEADZONE user preference. (Thx Berndserk for the suggestion!)
  • NEW: In-game Store Page axis/buttons are now mapped to Joystick Axes (Move Camera) & Throttle Slew on Arm (Zoom). KeyMap also updated with Store Page for script integration.
  • NEW: Hangar Automation Routine Macro added. After touch-down & station menu appears this can be used to automatically refuel, repair & restock your ship using the new UI buttons while also entering the hangar. This is currently mapped to the Autopilot button (on Throttle base) + Long Press + Pinky Trigger (basically the same routine for Autodock but a long hold instead), and can be customised in the user preferences. Regardless of your status, it will attempt to return you to 100% for each refuel/repair/restock while you descend into the ship hangar.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Separate Throttle Axis mappings are now possible. Map the Left Throttle axis to something else (eg. FSS Tuning?) while keeping Right mapped for Ship/SRV. Also when enabled, the Left Axis will no longer be impacted by Throttle Preset changes allowing Full Range + Forward Only combos! Use the new SyncLEFTTHRAxis user preference to set behaviour. (Thx dmakaitis for the code!)
  • IMPROVEMENT: Throttle Axis Mapping code has been upgraded to more efficient layout. (Thx dmakaitis for the code!)
  • IMPROVEMENT: Added 'SetSpeed0' command into the Auto-Launch function Landing Gear override to prevent premature acceleration away from pad (& hopefully trigger auto-pilot launch sequence if you have one installed on your ship).

  • FIXED: Joystick 'JS_DEADZONE' variable not taking effect. (Thx Berndserk for the report!)
  • FIXED: Fast Mode Switching Macro is now aligned for the latest UI changes in main menus. (Default time = 6666ms)

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 4.2.1

13 Oct 06:59
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Update 4.2.1: Void Alignment Protocol

-> Some small improvements based on user feedback, plus some remaining 'missed' VoiceAttack keybinds have now been added.

New to the script? Be sure to also check out the Beginners Reference Map in the download pack to get started.

List of Changes:

  • IMPROVEMENT: CruiseOnThrottle now works in both directions! When holding a Modifier and hitting 0% throttle you can engage or disengage Supercruise, just like you could previously at 100%.
  • IMPROVEMENT: ED-BAT updated to v0.4, now has an alternative startup link for Steam based EDLauncher, to allow use of Steam Overlay & Screenshot Capture. (This needs to be manually edited per instructions in BAT if you use Steam) (Thx SpinCykle)

  • FIXED: Reset HMD Orientation now mapped correctly in binding file to CTRL+HOME. (Thx T4k3shi47)
  • FIXED: VoiceAttack Update: Added explicit mapping for SRV Throttle Reverse (CTRL+R), same as Ship. (Thx SpinCykle)
  • FIXED: VoiceAttack Update: Added keybind mapping for Primary/Secondary Fire (SHIFT+1/SHIFT+2). (Note, this removes the Mouse button 1/2 bindings) (Thx SpinCykle)
  • FIXED: VoiceAttack Update: Added keybind mapping for Exit FSS (SHIFT+F). (Note, this removes the Exit FSS mapped (Joy28+Joy4) on the Enter FSS button) (Thx SpinCykle)

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 4.2.0

02 Sep 07:43
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Update 4.2.0: Carrier Me Home

-> This month's update marks 3 years since I first shared my script with the ED Community. Who would have known I would still be working on it.. LOL! This installment addresses a few minor issues from the previous release, few general improvements & some further user customisation options for you to play with. Thanks as always to all the CMDRs feedback and help reporting & fixing issues.

New to the script? Be sure to also check out the Beginners Reference Map in the download pack to get started.

List of Changes:

  • SPECIAL: Amazing Custom Warthog Throttle Plates (designed by Tekadept) are now available! Please visit GitHub or Frontier Forums for more info. (Thx Tekadept!)

  • NEW: The 3-Way Throttle & Joystick Axis Preset Toggles can now be customised. If you find you do use the Throttle or Joystick presets very often, you can replace them with your own custom commands. Both Up and Down directions can be mapped to any Pulse commands, with Middle considered Off. (Thx scottdruck for the idea!)

  • NEW: Added Boost Brake Macro! This will fire on the boost button when also holding the Pinky Trigger Modifier. Acting somewhat like an Air brake, this will push your ship by boosting then engaging your landing gear, quickly decreasing your speed, and allowing for some tight tactics (with or without FAOff).. or perhaps for some more extreme docking :) (Thx sw33tp34!)

  • NEW : Turret Mode Macros added under mNextTurretModeX1 & mNextTurretModeX2. Due to the way the panel works, you cannot select a specific Turret Mode, instead the macro will select the next mode in the cyclable list (1 or 2 positions forward). Currently Unmapped by Default The timings/alignment may still require work & as with other macros dependent on the panels, these will not work if you manually move the cursor position in the panels during flight or a fight. Recommend using to set Turret behaviour prior to engagement. Feedback appreciated.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Enforce both Throttle axes being mapped to Throttle presets, plus an option in user preferences to disable the secondary Throttle LEFT axis to free it up another device. (Thx dtdionne for the idea!)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added Throttle & Joystick Override values, plus Throttle & Joystick Deadzone values to the Script Startup Printout.

  • FIXED: Combined Fire mode will now ensure Primary fire remains active when releasing Secondary fire stage (when combinePriSecFire = 1). (Thx sw33tp34!)

  • FIXED: Mic Push-To-Talk fix for the controls becoming inverted using multiple channels (I think?!) (please report back if its still an issue).

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 4.1.0

25 Apr 03:51
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Update 4.1.0: Highway to the Deadzone

-> Compatibility update to align to the v3.4 April's 'Beginners' Update 2019, plus some fixes/enhancements to Axis Deadzone management & text output in TARGET.

New to the script? Be sure to also check out the Beginners Reference Map in the download pack to get started.

List of Changes:

  • NEW: April Update Keybind: Galaxy Map Return to Current System added & mapped to Master Mode Control button on side of Joystick (S1).
  • NEW: Easy Axis Deadzone customisation for Thrustmaster Rudder, Joystick & Throttle (via User Preferences).
  • NEW: Disable/Enable Verbose Messaging Output (via User Preference). This allows changes to the script status messaging behaviour on keypress actions to determine if it will Print Output to the TARGET Window. (For example: A Throttle Preset Change or Toggle Landing Gear confirmations).
  • IMPROVEMENT: Aligned timing & sequence for the Fast Mode Switching, NAV Beacon On/Off & Report Crimes macros to the new April Update UI Panels & Main Menu layouts.
  • FIXED: UseRudderAxisCurves axis configs & small error with Throttle Axis code.
  • FIXED: Erroneous Print Outs for Rotational Correction & Throttle Preset on Startup.

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 4.0.0

11 Mar 11:45
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Update 4.0.0: Supercruise to the Next Era

-> Big code clean-up! Along with file name changes and restructure, there has also been a SHIFT Key (on Pinky Toggle Switch on Throttle) introduced to handle both Non-Voice Comms Channels & Repeater Fire Mode (which can now be changed on-the-fly). As a result, the entire AdvancedFireModule managing the fire buttons has now been replaced with more efficient IOUMD configurations. Code for Auto-Text has completely been replaced as well, with a far more elegant solution. Script is now available on GitHub too :).

New to the script? Be sure to also check out the Beginners Reference Map in the download pack to get started.

List of Changes:

  • NEW: Pulse Wave Repeater Fire Preset for Miners!

  • NEW: Customisable Auto-Text Chat Responses (You can now edit these as plain text via the User Preferences). (Thx CMDR Clicker & ySfte)

  • NEW: Enable/Disable Ship(SRV) HUD when Toggling Night Vision (enable via the User Preferences).

  • NEW: Throttle Axis Presets (FullNonLinear & FwdNonLinear) can now be enabled via the User Preferences. This new preset will modify the absolute 1:1 axis used in other modes and make it curve so the axis starts out faster then slows down as you move to 100%. Total of 7 presets now available. (Thx CMDR Clicker)

  • NEW: SHIFT KEY Added to Pinky Throttle Switch. This now enables multiple layouts (layers) currently configured for 'Non-Voice' Comms Panel & Repeater Fire Modes. Each position of the Pinky Switch enable a different mapping on Trim Hat Switch & determines what Repeater Fire Mode is active on Joystick Trigger.

  • NEW: SHIFT KEY: Trim Hat Switch on Joystick - Change 'Non-Voice' Comms Panel Mode. See Reference Maps for new layout. (This gives the Trim Hat Switch a total of 8 commands mapped per Toggle Position - both with and without Pinky modifier).
    Mode Selection:
    - UP: Auto-Text Responses
    - MID: Wing Squadron Commands
    - DOWN: Ship Launch Fighter Commands

  • NEW: SHIFT KEY: Trigger(s) on Joystick - Change Repeater Fire Mode on Primary/Sec. (Note: Pinky Modifier still required to activate). See Reference Map for new layout.
    Mode Selection:
    - UP: Combat-Endless
    - MID: Explorer-Scanner
    - DOWN: NEW Mining-Auto-Pulse

  • NEW: Script Package now available on Github!

  • IMPROVEMENT: Formalised & Cleaned up Script File Structure (each section now has its own separate file & code properly re-sorted).

  • IMPROVEMENT: Categorised User Preferences section + Others (make it easier to find the right setting).

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added Secondary Fire Override, LED Blink, NightVision HUD & Combined Microphone User Preferences to Script Run Print Out on load.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added Table of Contents in AD_EDFunctions file (to help find correct function quicker).

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added Toggle Option (mNAVBeaconToggle) to merge Wing Nav Beacon Enable & Disable into a single button instead of two. (not currently mapped/used)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Updated ED-BAT to use Window Environment Variables in path locations. (Thx CMDR ptimale)

  • MOVED: Free Camera Zoom Increase/Decrease to Coolie Hat Switch on Throttle Right/Left (due to changes on the Trim Hat Switch).

  • MOVED: HoloMe Undo/Redo to Coolie Hat Switch on Throttle Right/Left (due to changes on the Trim Hat Switch).

  • FIXED: LEDs on Launch Sequence not working (typo). (Thx CMDR Clicker)

  • REMOVED: Redundant ChatPresetMode in User Preference (due to changes on the Chat Toggle).

  • REMOVED: Redundant RepeaterFireMode in User Preference (this is now manually changed via Pinky Throttle Shift Switch in-game).

-> Hope you all enjoy the improvements. Outside of any immediate bug fixes/issues reported, this will likely be my last major update for a while, considering the long delay to the 'next era'/'next major game release' is in 2020, I'm not expecting anything to significantly change till then. Feel the script has matured and is in good running order; but at any rate you may find small changes or fixes on GitHub from time to time. Thanks!

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 3.3.3

25 Feb 08:38
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Update 3.3.3: Beyond.. Beyond

IMPORTANT - v3.3.3 Requires the latest 2018 (v3.0.18.328 or higher) Update for TARGET Software, Drivers & Firmware to be installed.

-> A few minor issues/conflicts addressed that have been reported by CMDRS since 3.3.0...

List of Changes:

  • IMPROVEMENT: ED-BAT option added to open Reference Maps (pictures) when running batch. (Please update your folder path to use) (Thx CMDR Awesome)

  • IMPROVEMENT: For Discord, added variables for Overlay & for opening Chat in Overlay in EDKeyMap file (unused). (mapped to ALT+F3, ALT+F4)

  • FIXED: VoiceAttack + Singularity multiple keybind issues. 4x Conflicting VA Galaxy Map binds (now all uses CTRL+'Mapping') & 3x Missing VA commands bound for Attach/Detach Free Camera (CTRL+C) & Thruster Forward-Only Reverse (for Ship+SRV) (CTRL+R). (Thx CMDR CrazyDisi & CMDR Axsom)

  • FIXED: Missing FAOff Printout for when UseRudderAxisCurves is active (1) has been added. (Thx CMDR sw33tp34)

  • FIXED: Changed default Discord PTT mapping due to conflict. (Does not support '~', so has been swapped with alternative 'NUMPAD *') (Thx CMDR Axsom)

  • REMOVED: MFG Crosswind Toe Brake axis mapping for Thrusters Forward/Backwards from default setup. (safer/more precise)

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Update 3.3.0

25 Feb 08:13
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Update 3.3.0: Beyond Chapter 4

IMPORTANT - v3.3.0 Requires the latest 2018 (v3.0.18.328 or higher) Update for TARGET Software, Drivers & Firmware to be installed.

-> A big update for a big update! Final installment of Beyond is here, including many new commands and a multitude of improvements. This new update aligns with latest build, including all Chapter 4 GUI improvements & new modes, plus a range of enhancements & new features (many provided from fellow CMDRs). There is a significant increase in user preference options to support some of the new features below. Please be sure to check them out before you start :)

List of Changes:

  • NEW: Support Added for the new Thrustmaster TPR Pedals (Thanks to CMDR Mettius for coding/sharing!).

  • NEW: PVP Macro for toggling Report Crimes Against Me (Mapped to OSD (FPS/Bandwidth) Toggle + Pinky Modifier) (Thanks to CMDR Clicker for coding/sharing!).

  • NEW: LED Controller Function introduces some Bling! When enabled will provide a short visual 'flashing' transition for the LEDs when a toggle is used. User Preference has also been added to disable (as required). Function will also perform a startup visual sequence as it initialises! (Thanks to CMDR Clicker for the inspiration/base code)

  • NEW: Customisable Secondary Fire (Pinky Button) (S3) from the user preferences. If you prefer the dual-stage trigger for primary/secondary or do no need the independant secondary fire, then this new option will free up the easy access button and allow you to remap a short and long press of your choosing. (Thanks to CMDR Axsom for the idea/request)

  • NEW: Autopilot Engage Button (APENG) on the Throttle can now be customised in the user preferences. (Total of Six possible mappings, using Short/Long presses & Modifiers)

  • NEW: Streamline your boot times! Windows Batch File Script to Auto-load multiple 3rd Party Apps + ED in one shortcut PLUS make a backup of your bindings file automatically on Win7/10. (Optional) (More info on this can be found in the batch folder Readme in download pack)

  • NEW: Swap PIP Management Hat Switch with CMS Hat Switch User Preferences added (EXPERIMENTAL!) (Requires Manual remapping of UI Hat Switch to DMS Hat Switch) (Thanks to CMDR Braxhunter for the idea/request)

  • NEW: Added ALL the New Chapter 4 bindings for the FSS, DSS, UI Enhancements & Night Vision

    Quick List below:

    • Night Vision = Forward on China Hat Switch on Throttle (Orbital Lines now needs + Pinky Modifier) (Enabling will also dims LED backlights on Throttle :))
    • Switch HUD Mode = Double Tap Pinky Trigger
    • UI Next Page = Pinky Trigger + Target Hat Switch Right (On Joystick)
    • UI Prev Page = Pinky Trigger + Target Hat Switch Left (On Joystick)
    • Open Discovery Codex = Pinky Trigger + Mic Switch Down
    • Discovery Scan / Honk = Primary Trigger (On Joystick) (Firegroup Mapping + Analysis Mode HUD UI)
    • Discovery Scanner Front/Back View Swap = Hold the Pinky Trigger
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner ON/OFF = Pinky Trigger + Mic Switch Up (On Throttle) (Can also exit with usual UI Escape/Back combo)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Camera Pitch & Yaw (Digital) = Trim Hat Switch (On Joystick)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Camera Pitch & Yaw (Analog) = Joystick X/Y axes (The same as Galaxy map etc movement)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Zoom Into Target = Target Hat Switch Up (On Joystick)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Zoom Out = Target Hat Switch Down (On Joystick)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Zoom Stepped In = Coolie Hat Switch Down (On Throttle Arm)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Zoom Stepped Out = Coolie Hat Switch Up (On Throttle Arm)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Target Current Signal = Pinky Trigger + Target Hat Switch Up
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Radio Tuning (Analog/Absolute) = Throttle Axis
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Radio Tuning (Analog/Directional) = Slew Left/Right (Recommend Re-Mapping to Rudder Pedal Axis if Available)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Radio Tuning Increase (Digital) = Target Hat Switch Right (On Joystick)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Radio Tuning Decrease (Digital) = Target Hat Switch Left (On Joystick)
    • Full Spectrum System Scanner Show Help = Master Mode Control Button (Red Button on side of Joystick)
  • IMPROVEMENT: Thrustmaster Rudder Pedal Axis Curve can now be changed based on the Joystick Curve Preset Toggle position & also enabled in the FAOff Hold. (Enable in user preferences). Useful for FAOff pilots wanting more precise control. (Thanks to CMDR sw33tp34)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Inverse Mode for Microphone Push-To-Talk Button on Throttle Arm introduced. When this special mode is enabled, this will disable VoiceAttack automatically when PTT is activated for Discord (or other voice comms) and visa-versa. To use, change 'ExternalMicInverse' to 1 in User Preferences. (Note: You need to have VA listening enabled before first press to ensure alignment) (Thanks to CMDR Axsom for the idea/request)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Reformatted Script Start-Up Printout/Readout. Easier to read. Should have better alignment in across Script Editor & GUI.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Both Ship & SRV External Camera buttons now mapped to same key on Joystick (Pinky + Target Ahead / F1). Previously SRV was needed to have different exclusive mapping so used the CMS hat switch forward + Pinky.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Swapped Ship Launch Fighter Dock & Ship Launch Fighter Attack/Focus commands on the Target Management Hat Switch.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Beginners Reference Map now included in download pack. This includes ONLY the essential ship & UI control, to help new users to ED and the script to cut through the massive number of mapped controls in the full reference maps, and to learn the fundamentals first.

  • FIXED: Cargo Scoop Throttle LED getting stuck ON in some situations. (Thanks CMDR Clicker)

  • FIXED: ECM Button functionality, removing the pulse action to allow full sequence timings. (Thanks CMDR Mettius & Clicker)

  • FIXED: Autodock Macro to align better to new Ch.4 UI Panels.

  • FIXED: Added Missing MFD Panel mappings (SYMU & SYMD) & cleaned up order of buttons in function (Thanks CMDR Braxhunter)

Fly Safe CMDRs!

Historical Update: v2.2.0 to v3.2.0

25 Feb 10:08
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These are all the previous 'old' versions of my script from prior-to-GitHub, dating back to September, 2016. These are mainly depreciated now, but including for those that want to see the changes or have issue with latest builds.

There are no longer any reference maps/pictures in this zip file, but some are still available here across @Imgur

Also available is the Blank Template PSD file I used to create my reference maps, for those wanting to use for their own scripts.

-> Moving forward. These files will be deleted from the GitHub repo updates, but available here instead.

Historical List of Changes:

  • v3.2.0-IMPROVED: PIP MGT now works first press & FAOFF HOLD Toggle now returns to Previously Active Joystick Curve. FIXED: Multiple Minor Keybind Conflicts.
  • v3.1.0-FIXED: Galnet Audio & Escape Vector Sequence conflict. IMPROVED: Combined Fire Trigger behaviour, & Dual Tier PIPs 4xWEP now (2xSYS->2xENG).
  • v3.0.2-BEYOND UPDATE: Added User def. Double Tap to Pinky Trigger, NEW Inverted Dual PIP scheme added (short=full PIPs), Fighter Follow replaced with Attack.
  • v3.0.1-BEYOND BETA UPDATE: Added the new Galnet Audio keybindings mapped in ED .binds file which are now updated to (v3.0).
  • v3.0 - NEW: Ship Take Off Sequence! UPDATED: Mic Switch Function, Def. VA Toggle Mapping ADD: EDFX/EDDI to SW List FIX: Throttle Prec. Mode preventing Boost.
  • v2.4.3-NEW: Precision C.Scoop Override FIXED: Throttle Toggle @ Start, 100% Working TFRP Rudder code! REMOVED: Old Target.tmh (New Ver. Create @ Run/Compile)
  • v2.4.2-NEW: Start Software on Run, LG/CS Toggle Overrides, Jump to Subsystem. IMPROVED: PIP Mapping Code, TFRP Rudder Code & Script Print. FIX: HP Override.
  • v2.4.1-NEW: Clear Chatbox Macro, Precision Cargo Scoop Deploy. IMPROVED: Toggle mechanics FIXED: Mappings HoloMe Rotate, Camera Roll & Digital Ship/SRV Roll.
  • v2.4 - NEW: Auto Timer for Repeater Fire, Fast Menu Switch Macro, VR/TIR Headlook Swap U.Pref SWAP: S.Running/R.Correction Toggles. IMPROVED: Error Handling.
  • v2.3.3-COMBINED FAOFF+ALT FLT (SpeedBrake w/ Pinky Mod) NEW: Escape Macro now has Gear/Scoop Check + new timings. FIX: Chat Macros when Comms Panel is Open.
  • v2.3.2-SWAPPED: Repeater Fire & Combo Fire Modifier buttons. ADD: CruiseOnThrottle check for China Hat, removes FSD as req. FIX: IDLEMaster Function error.
  • v2.3.1-FIXED: 75% Trim T.Preset, + General Comments Cleanup NEW: Macros 2-Tier PIPs (Hold), Swap Joy/Throt Preset Toggles ADD: Chat Macro print layout map.
  • v2.3 - COMMANDERS UPDATE: ADD New Multicrew, HoloME & Camera Suite Keybinds. NEW: Text Chat Macros (PIP Hatswitch+Pinky Trigger). NEW: ShowGameStats Macro.
  • v2.3 - NEW: SC 100% Throttle/Repeater Fire/Signal Light Macros. ADD: 1&2-Tier PIP Alts,User Prefs,MFDs. MOVED: Hardpoints to T.Arm. FIXED: SRV Boost on Slew.
  • v2.2.7-NEW: Heatsink+SilentRunning Mod! FIXED: Dead Throttle on Run/Looping running in Script Editor/Improved FPS/Bandwidth Toggle/Galaxy Map chat conflict.
  • v2.2.6-Changed SRV Digital Steering Hat Switch, Swapped Weapon Fire Group. ADD: Auto-Dock Short/Long press+Pinky. No Shadowplay ref. ADD Fighter Orders.
  • v2.2.5-ADD: Charge ECM button & Fixed Incorrect ED Bindings file in download.
  • v2.2.4-FIXED: Changed Combo Fire Modifier from Pinky to CMS Hat Switch (avoid conflict). Improved PIP timings/refined layout. Removed SRV Handbrake conflict.
  • v2.2 - GUARDIANS UPDATE: ADD Fighters Hotkeys to Trim Hat, Mapped Weapon/Engine Color change. Improved IDLE saftey features. NEW Macros. Public Release!
  • v2.1 - ADD External Keymappings for TrackIR, VoiceAttack & ShadowPlay. SWAP Landing Gear & Silent Running. Changed some delay times.
  • v2.0 - Full script cleanup & formatting update. ADD alt. Macros 4 PIPs & Curves. ADD Reference table for DX Mappings & USB Key Defs. Update .binds to (v2.0).
  • v1.8 - ADD SetThrottle function & Handbrake to Throttle IDLE lock. Ship Lights now dim Throttle LED backlight :) Steam added & Hidden FPS/Ping keys mapped.
  • v1.6 - Improved Toggle switch usage. ADD LED output & expanded script print output in Script Editor.
  • v1.3 - ADD Auto-dock, PIPs Macros & also Joystick & Throttle Curve presets. Plus Subsystem Prev Jump to Powerplant shortcut when holding Prev Subsystem.
  • v1.0 - ADD All Standard KeyMaps, Default Axis settings & Core script structure/defaults. ADD Trigger Combo code. Debug testing.

Fly Safe CMDR!

IGNORE: The Source Code zips/tar.gz below as they only contain default v3.3.3 build. (Cannot delete 👎 )