This is the Authress SDK used to integrate with the authorization as a service provider Authress at
The package is published in the Github maven repository @
dependencies {
- Maven - add the following to your pom.xml:
import io.authress.client.*
// create an instance of the API class during service initialization
// Replace ACCOUNT_ID with the Authress accountId
const authressClient = AuthressClient("")
// on api route
// [route('/resources/<resourceId>')]
fun getResource(resourceId: String) {
// Get the user token and pass it to authress
const authorizationToken = request.headers.get('authorization')
// Check Authress to authorize the user
try {
authressClient.userPermissions.authorizeUser(userId, "resources/$resourceId", "READ")
} catch (e: ClientException) {
// User doesn't have access
return 404
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling UserPermissionsApi#authorizeUser")
return 503
// On success, continue with the route code to load resource and return it
// ...
return 200
import io.authress.client.*
// create an instance of the API class during service initialization
// Replace AccountId with the Authress domain for your account
// Create a service client in the Authress management portal and past the access token here
// This will generate a token automatically instead of passing the user token to the api
const accessToken = 'eyJrZXlJ....'
const authressClient = AuthressClient("", ServiceClientTokenProvider(accessToken))
// on api route
// [route('/resources/<resourceId>')]
fun getResource(resourceId: String) {
// Check Authress to authorize the user
try {
authressClient.userPermissions.authorizeUser(userId, "resources/$resourceId", "READ")
} catch (e: ClientException) {
// User doesn't have access
return 404
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling UserPermissionsApi#authorizeUser")
return 503:
// On success, continue with the route code to load resource and return it
// ...
return 200
val accessToken = "eyJhbGciOiJFZ.encodedToken.SignatureAyJhbGciOiJFZ"
val tokenVerifier = TokenVerifier("https://YourCustomDomain")
// Or using the accountId
// val tokenVerifier = TokenVerifier("")
try {
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("Invalid Token: $e")
throw e
- Java:
- Kotlin 1.4.30
sudo snap install kotlin --classic
- Gradle 7.1
gradle wrapper
./gradlew build
./gradlew check assemble
(This runs all tests and packages the library.)