A repository that contains a Ruby Sinatra example that uses Authress to Login.
This repo uses ruby bundler
to install dependencies:
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rerun 'rackup'
# OR just: bundle exec puma
# OR: bundle exec ruby -W2 src/app.rb -s Puma
Set the Authress block in the app.rb to match your account
AuthressSdk.configure do |config|
# Set the base url to be the Authress Custom Domain, which can be set up: https://authress.io/app/#/settings?focus=domain
config.base_url = 'https://login.company.com'
# Get a service client access key at https://authress.io/app/#/settings?focus=clients
client_access_key = 'sc_001.b3bB.acc_001.MC4C_KEY'
config.token_provider = AuthressSdk::ServiceClientTokenProvider.new(client_access_key)