Advanced Explorer Views 1 (#324)
Advanced Explorer Views - adding sorting functionality and viewing of File Name
Updated about popup [skip ci]
Adding searching functionality
Sorting and searching for injection/transition/feature tables
Selective searching for tables with dropdown menu
Disallow sorting for all-checked/all-unchecked columns
Sorting and searching for various tables in main window
Final enhancements to FilePicker, ExplorerTables and MainTables
Preventing filenames from being appended twice when opening via button click
Adding reusable table functions for searching/sorting
Adding unittest for Widget
Make parameters editable (#337)
Enhancing FilePicker entries to be displayed in human readable format (#339)
Added Statistics and more informations in the info panel (#341)
Added SmartPeak documentation
Adding working examples for calculating MDVs (#326)
Refactor of Feature line and heatmap plots (#349)
Fix formatting of changelog for emails and github releases (#340)
Fixed crash when launching workflow with no injection (#332)
Fixed Windows SmartPeak install: executable is not available from start menu (#338)
Add cmake nsis configuration for creating application links
Add icon to executable on windows
Update cmake nsis config to include icon to installer and launch the application when installation complete
Configure default CPACK_GENERATOR for windows
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