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Ihar Suvorau edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 4 revisions
  • Topic: Auth.

    Problem: At the moment, each service request uses the provided JWT token to authenticate and authorise the user. An initial user's request can invoke a chain of downstream service requests, some of which can be long enough to cause a token expiration error.

    Solution: don't use the user's token, but still pass user's information in the request headers.

  • Topic: Data coupling.

    Problem: When an assets gets deleted, we need to delete the dependent file, but the assets microservice doesn't have the database access to files.

    Solution: Call the files service or handle it in the layer above, e.g., API Composition layer see more. The current approach is to add a piece of dependent functionality to the microservice that requires it. For example, the assets service has the file service as a dependency to call the file service when the coupling is needed.