What's Changed
- Fixed primary outputs for xplat templates by @Mrxx99 in #158
- Add nuget restore post actions by @Mrxx99 in #159
- Default namespace for F# item templates by @Mrxx99 in #160
- updated MVVM Toolkit to version 8.1 by @Mrxx99 in #161
- Removed global.json from SolutionItems in xplat solution by @Mrxx99 in #162
- v11preview5 by @Mrxx99 in #163
- fixed no-restore option in readme by @Mrxx99 in #164
- update XamlNameReferenceGenerator to 1.6.1 by @Mrxx99 in #166
- Post 11.0-preview5 changes, new "--compiled-bindings" property by @maxkatz6 in #170
Full Changelog: