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AxenAPI Gradle plugin - generate Java code by openapi specification. Generator helps you to create handlears or producers for message broker


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axenapi-generator-plugin is a plugin for generating code from asynchronous OpenAPI 3.* specification.

Installing plugin

  1. Download, build and install to your local(or remote) mvn repository required version of a project (project version must be same as the plugin version).
  2. Download, build and install to your local(or remote) mvn repository required plugin version.
  3. Add a plugin dependency to your project:
plugins {
    id 'axenapi-generator-plugin' version '<current version>'
  1. Add a compilation dependency on code generation:
compileJava {
    dependsOn "generateKafka"
  1. Add code generation parameters to your build.gradle:
  • Server code generation:
codegenData {
    openApiPath =  getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath() + '/src/main/resources/json.json'
    outDir = getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath() + '/build'
    srcDir = 'src/main/java'
    listenerPackage = 'swagger4kafka.listener'
    modelPackage = 'swagger4kafka.model'
    kafkaClient = false
    interfaceOnly = false
    resultWrapper = 'java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture'
  • Client code generation:
    codegenData {
        openApiPath =  getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath() + '/src/main/resources/test.json'
        outDir = getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath() + '/build'
        srcDir = 'src/main/java'
        listenerPackage = 'swagger4kafka.client'
        modelPackage = 'swagger4kafka.model'
        kafkaClient = true
        interfaceOnly = false
        useSpring3 = true
  1. It is recommended to add generated files to src directory of your project:
sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs '/build/src/main/java'
        resources {
            srcDir '/build/src/main/resources'
  1. The code will be generated to a directory specified in $outDir/$srcDir parameters.

Parameters description:

Name Type Required Default value Description
openApiPath String Yes No default value Path to OpenAPI 3.* specification.
outDir String Yes No default value Directory, where generated code will be stored.
srcDir String Yes No default value Path to src directory. Recommended value is "src/main/java".
listenerPackage String Yes No default value Package, in which client/listeners will be generated.
modelPackage String Yes No default value Package, in wich models will be generated (Data Transfer Object).
useSpring3 Boolean No false If true, then code will be generated for springboot 3.1. If false, then code will be generated for spring boot 2.7.
kafkaClient Boolean No false If true, client code(producer) will be generated, if false - server code(consumer).
interfaceOnly Boolean No true Affects only client generation. If true - Kafka consumer implemenation classes will be generated, if false - only iterfaces.
resultWrapper String No "" Class, in which return value will be wrapped. Full path to that class must be specified.
securityAnnotation cell No "" Annotation class which will be used in consumer code generation if consumer authorization is implemented. If this parameter is not specified, security annotations will not be generated.
sendBytes cell Нет No If true, then headers with types mapped by header names will not be used. If false, then types will be mapped.
useAutoconfig cell No true If true, then autoconfiguation files will be generated alongside clients.
generateMessageId cell No false If true, then generated clients will use header kafka_messageId(or other name specified in messageIdName parameter) by default. Header value will be random UUID.
generateCorrelationId cell No false If true, then generated clients will use header kafka_correlationId (or other name specified in correlationIdName parameter) by default. Header value will be random UUID.
messageIdName cell No "kafka_messageId" Name of the header, in which messageId value will be stored(If generateMessageId = true)
correlationIdName cell No "kafka_correlationId" Name of the header header, in which correlationId value will be stored(If generateCorrelationId = true)

Specification format:

For every Listener controller Controller will be generated. Example of generated http method:

  • POST method:
  • Url: "/kafka/group-2/multiType/Subordinate"
  • Returns: Subordinate

Every consumer consists of POST method of format:

  • All generated http interfaces - are POST methods
  • All generated interfaces have url, consisting of 3-4 parts:
    • first part: always starts with kafka/ - which allows to separate generated url from already existing in applicatio http interfaces.
    • second part: group - is optional. If url consists of 3 parts - that means that group is not specified.
    • third part: topic name.
    • fourth part: Name of data models being read from topic(DTO).

💡 Other logic does not require additional description. You can create OpenAPI specification from generated controller. Format descriptipn: Authorization should be described by OpenAPI 3.* specification.

Using headers:

You can use query params to describe headers for consumers - type and optionality can be specified. Every query param is a separate message header.

💡 Query params is described by OpenAPI 3.* specification.

⚠️ __TypeId__ should not be specified in headers. Generated clients will send __TypeId__ automatically.

Client generation features

Generated clients use generated KafkaSenderServiceImpl implementations of KafkaSenderService inerface to send messages to topics. If you do not want to use generated implementation, you can create custom Bean, implementing KafkaSenderService interface.


AxenAPI Gradle plugin - generate Java code by openapi specification. Generator helps you to create handlears or producers for message broker






