This project is a simple student management system that allows you to add, list, update, and delete student information. It is implemented in Java and uses a command-line interface for user interaction.
- Add new students 👩🏻🎓
- List all students 📋
- Update existing student information 🆕
- Delete a student 🗑️
- Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine
Clone the repository
git clone cd student-management-system
Compile the Java files
Run the program
java Main
Upon running the program, you will be presented with a menu that allows you to choose from the following options:
Add Student
- Enter the student's ID, name, age, and grade.
List Students
- Display all students currently in the system.
Update Student
- Enter the ID of the student you wish to update, followed by the new name, age, and grade.
Delete Student
- Enter the ID of the student you wish to delete.
- Exit the program.
Below is an example interaction with the program:
1. Add Student
2. List Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Choose an option: 1
Enter ID: 1
Enter Name: John Doe
Enter Age: 20
Enter Grade: A
Student added successfully!
1. Add Student
2. List Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Choose an option: 2
List of Students:
Student{id=1, name='John Doe', age=20, grade='A'}