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shainw committed Dec 28, 2023
1 parent c285f20 commit 0dba07c
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 37 deletions.
61 changes: 24 additions & 37 deletions Detections/MultipleDataSources/Mercury_Log4j_August2022.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tags:
- Mercury
- Schema: ASIMFileEvent
SchemaVersion: 0.1.0
query: |
query: |
let iocs = externaldata(DateAdded:string,IoC:string,Type:string,TLP:string) [@""] with (format="csv", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let sha256Hashes = (iocs | where Type =~ "sha256" | project IoC);
let IPList = (iocs | where Type =~ "ip"| project IoC);
Expand All @@ -70,21 +70,20 @@ query: |
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, Message, SourceUserID, RequestURL, DNSName, Type
| extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message), RequestIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, RequestURL)
| extend IPMatch = case(SourceIP in (IPList), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (IPList), "DestinationIP", MessageIP in (IPList), "Message", RequestURL has_any (domains), "RequestUrl", "NoMatch")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, IPMatch == "Message", MessageIP, "NoMatch")
| extend IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, IPMatch == "Message", MessageIP, "NoMatch")
| extend AccountName = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[1])
| where IPAddresses in (IPList) or Name in~ (domains)
| where IPAddresses in (IPList) or Name in~ (domains)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, IPAddresses, Name, ClientIP, Type
| extend DestinationIPAddress = IPAddresses, DNSName = Name, Computer
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = DestinationIPAddress
| extend IPAddress = IPAddresses, DNSName = Name, Computer
| where SourceIp in (IPList) or DestinationIp in (IPList) or RemoteDnsCanonicalNames has_any (domains)
| parse RemoteDnsCanonicalNames with * '["' DNSName '"]' *
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Direction, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, RemoteDnsQuestions, DNSName,BytesSent, BytesReceived, RemoteCountry, Type
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIp in (IPList), "SourceIP", DestinationIp in (IPList), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIp, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIp, "NoMatch"), File = ProcessName
| extend IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIp, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIp, "NoMatch"), File = ProcessName
| where Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
Expand All @@ -95,36 +94,32 @@ query: |
| where SourceIP in (IPList) or DestinationIP in (IPList)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, Image, UserName, Computer, Type
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIP in (IPList), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (IPList), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, File = tostring(split(Image, '\\', -1)[-1]), IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| extend AccountNT = UserName
| extend AccountNT = UserName, File = tostring(split(Image, '\\', -1)[-1]), IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| where ClientIP in (IPList)
| project TimeGenerated, UserAgent, Operation, RecordType, UserId, ClientIP, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = ClientIP
| extend AccountUPN = UserId, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
| extend IPAddress = ClientIP, AccountUPN = UserId, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
| where RemoteUrl has_any (domains) or RemoteIP in (IPList) or InitiatingProcessSHA256 in (sha256Hashes)
| project TimeGenerated, ActionType, DeviceId, Computer = DeviceName, InitiatingProcessSHA256, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessParentFileName, InitiatingProcessFileName, RemoteIP, RemoteUrl, RemotePort, LocalIP, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = RemoteIP, FileHashCustomEntity = InitiatingProcessSHA256
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName
| extend AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| where SourceIP in (IPList) or DestinationIP in (IPList)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, CommunicationDirection, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourcePort, DestinationPort, Type
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIP in (IPList), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (IPList), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| extend IPAddress = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| where ResourceType == "AZUREFIREWALLS"
| where Category == "AzureFirewallApplicationRule"
| parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceHost ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationHost ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action
| where isnotempty(DestinationHost)
| where DestinationHost has_any (IPList) or DestinationHost has_any (domains)
| extend DNSName = DestinationHost
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceHost
| extend DNSName = DestinationHost, IPAddress = SourceHost
| where ResourceType == "AZUREFIREWALLS"
Expand All @@ -134,7 +129,7 @@ query: |
| parse kind=regex flags=U msg_s with * ". Action\\: " Action1a "\\."
| parse msg_s with * ". Policy: " Policy ". Rule Collection Group: " RuleCollectionGroup "." *
| parse msg_s with * " Rule Collection: " RuleCollection ". Rule: " Rule
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceIP
| extend IPAddress = SourceIP
| where ResourceType == "AZUREFIREWALLS"
Expand All @@ -144,66 +139,58 @@ query: |
| extend
ResponseDuration = extract("[0-9]*.?[0-9]+s$", 0, msg_s),
SourcePort = tostring(SourcePortInt),
QueryID = tostring(QueryID)
QueryID = tostring(QueryID)
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceIP
| project TimeGenerated,SourceIP,hostname,RequestType,ResponseDuration,details,msg_s
| order by TimeGenerated
| where Fqdn has_any (domains) or Fqdn has_any (IPList)
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceIp
| extend IPAddress = SourceIp
| where isnotempty(QueryName)
| where QueryName has_any (domains)
| extend DNSName = QueryName
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceIp
| extend IPAddress = SourceIp
| where DestinationIp has_any (IPList)
| extend DestinationIP = DestinationIp
| extend IPCustomEntity = SourceIp
| where DestinationIp has_any (IPList)
| extend IPAddress = SourceIp
| where FileHash in (sha256Hashes)
| project TimeGenerated, Message, SourceUserID, FileHash, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AlgorithmCustomEntity = "SHA256", FileHashCustomEntity = tostring(FileHash)
| extend AccountUPN = SourceUserID
| extend AccountUPNName = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[1])
| extend Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = tostring(FileHash), AccountUPN = SourceUserID, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(SourceUserID, "@")[1])
| where TargetFileSHA256 has_any (sha256Hashes)
| extend AccountNT = ActorUsername, Computer = DvcHostname, IPAddress = SrcIpAddr, CommandLine = ActingProcessCommandLine, FileHash = TargetFileSHA256
| project Type, TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, IPAddress, CommandLine, FileHash
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = FileHash
| project Type, TimeGenerated, Computer, AccountNT, IPAddress, CommandLine, FileHash, Algorithm = "SHA256"
| where SHA256 has_any (sha256Hashes)
| project TimeGenerated, ActionType, DeviceId, Computer = DeviceName, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessParentFileName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessSHA256, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = tostring(InitiatingProcessSHA256), CommandLine = InitiatingProcessCommandLine,Image = InitiatingProcessFolderPath
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName
| extend AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| extend Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = tostring(InitiatingProcessSHA256), CommandLine = InitiatingProcessCommandLine,Image = InitiatingProcessFolderPath
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| where SHA256 has_any (sha256Hashes)
| project TimeGenerated, ActionType, DeviceId, Computer = DeviceName, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessParentFileName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessSHA256, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = tostring(InitiatingProcessSHA256), CommandLine = InitiatingProcessCommandLine,Image = InitiatingProcessFolderPath
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName
| extend AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| extend Algorithm = "SHA256", FileHash = tostring(InitiatingProcessSHA256), CommandLine = InitiatingProcessCommandLine,Image = InitiatingProcessFolderPath
| extend AccountUPN = InitiatingProcessAccountName, AccountUPNName = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingProcessAccountName, "@")[1])
| where Source =~ "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
| where EventID == 1
| extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data
| extend Image = EventDetail.[4].["#text"], CommandLine = EventDetail.[10].["#text"], Hashes = tostring(EventDetail.[17].["#text"])
| extend Image = EventDetail.[4].["#text"], CommandLine = EventDetail.[10].["#text"], Hashes = tostring(EventDetail.[17].["#text"])
| extend Hashes = extract_all(@"(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", dynamic(["key","value"]), Hashes)
| extend Hashes = column_ifexists("Hashes", dynamic(["", ""])), CommandLine = column_ifexists("CommandLine", "")
| mv-expand Hashes
| where Hashes[0] =~ "SHA256" and Hashes[1] has_any (sha256Hashes)
| project TimeGenerated, EventDetail, AccountNT = UserName, Computer, Type, Source, Hashes, CommandLine, Image
| extend Type = strcat(Type, ": ", Source)
| extend FileHash = tostring(Hashes[1]), Algorithm = tostring(Hashes[0])
| extend Type = strcat(Type, ": ", Source), FileHash = tostring(Hashes[1]), Algorithm = tostring(Hashes[0])
| extend AccountNTName = tostring(split(AccountNT, "\\")[1]), AccountNTDomain = tostring(split(AccountNT, "\\")[0])
Expand Down

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