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The CI environment Bicep configuration

CARMLPipelinePrincipal edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

This section provides details on the Bicep configuration used in the CARML CI environment. This configuration happens in two places, the Bicep Configuration File (bicepconfig.json) and inside the modules themselves.


Bicep Configuration File

Using this file, you can customize your Bicep development experience. This includes

For a full list of available rules, please refer to the official documentation.

If you remove this file, Bicep uses default values

The configuration applied in the CI environment can be found in the bicepconfig.json file in the root folder. Next to the corresponding settings you will also find the rational for its application.

Module-level Bicep configuration

The Bicep DSL (Domain Specific Language) is continuously improved and extended with additional capabilities. Of of them, the Bicep Linter, provides guidance around template design & best practices - and surfaces any findings as warnings. However, while it is a great feature, there can be cases where rules show false-positives - or are not addressed by us immediately. For these cases, we occasionally apply ignore tags such as #disable-next-line secure-secrets-in-params on a module level.

Note: Each ignore tag should be accompanied by a comment to justify its existence.

Note: As we want to follow best-practices whenever we can, the ignore tags should only be applied when absolutely necessary, on a case-by-case basis.

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