Vue3-range-calendar is a calendar UI component library for picking date, week, month, year ranges, with zero dependencies and high customizability for Vue3.
yarn add vue3-range-calendar
# or
npm install vue3-range-calendar
Install component to the Vue instance.
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import rangeCalendar from 'vue3-range-calendar'
import 'vue3-range-calendar/dist/styles/index.css'
const app = Vue.createApp({...})
Then you can use the range calendar on your component.
<script setup>
const start = ref<Date | null>(null)
const end = ref<Date | null>(null)
<p>start: <input v-model="start" type="text" /></p>
<p>end: <input v-model="end" type="text" /></p>
<range-calendar v-model:start="start" v-model:end="end" />