This python script sends a random quote from the office to emails of your choice.
You will need to make a login.txt and emails.txt file in the same directory as the project using the following formats
The following is the format that should be used for the login.txt file:
{"username": "emailUserNameGoesHere", "pass": "emailPasswordGoesHere"}
Ensure that you replace the email username and password with the correct login information for the email you wish to send the quote from
The following is the format that should be used for the emails.txt file:
{"Emails": ["",""], "alertEmail": ""}
The 'Emails' in this list will each recieve a copy of the randomly selected quote. You may add or delete as many members to this list as you wish. The 'alertEmail' is the email that will be sent a notification if the script fails to send emails and alerts you to check it out.