This is a simple music player application built using Python and the Tkinter GUI toolkit. The program allows users to play, pause, stop, skip forward, and go backward through a playlist of music tracks. It also features volume control and a progress bar to display the elapsed time of the currently playing song.
Add Songs: Add individual or multiple songs to the playlist.
Remove Songs: Remove individual songs or clear the entire playlist.
Play, Pause, Stop: Control the playback of music tracks.
Skip Forward, Go Backward: Navigate through the playlist.
Volume Control: Adjust the volume using a slider.
Song Progress: Display the elapsed time of the currently playing song.
Add Songs to Playlist Click on the "Add Songs" menu. Choose "Add One song to Playlist" to add a single song or "Add Many songs to Playlist" to add multiple songs.
Remove Songs from Playlist Click on the "Remove Songs" menu. Choose "Remove Song from Playlist" to remove the selected song or "Remove All Song from Playlist" to clear the entire playlist.
Control Playback Use the control buttons (Play, Pause, Stop, Skip Forward, Go Backward) to manage playback. Adjust the volume using the vertical slider in the "Volume" section.
Progress Bar The horizontal slider represents the progress of the currently playing song.
Ensure you have Python installed on your machine. Run the script using the following command:
Tkinter: Standard GUI toolkit for Python.
pygame: Library for music playback.
mutagen: Library for audio metadata handling.
Supported audio file formats include MP3 and WAV.
The application provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing and playing music tracks.