With WSO2 API Manager Operator, it makes easy to deploy WSO2 API Manager in Kubernetes through a simple command. Also it supports deploying recommended deployment patterns in Kubernetes. Introducing a new Custom Resource Definition called APIManager to efficiently and easily deploy patterns, and custom patterns in Kubernetes.
In this document, we will walk through the following.
- Deploy a single node API Manager
- Access publisher and devportal
Kubernetes cluster and client v1.14 or above
- Minimum CPU : 4 vCPU
- Minimum Memory : 6 GB
Note: This is for running scenario-1.
Download k8s-wso2am-operator-1.1.0.zip and extract it.
This zip contains the artifacts that required to deploy in Kubernetes.
Note: You need to run all commands from within the k8s-wso2am-operator-1.1.0 directory.
Creates a namespace called wso2-system and deploy the controller artifacts.
>> kubectl apply -f artifacts/operator-artifacts/ -f artifacts/operator-configs/ -f artifacts/api-manager-artifacts/pattern-1/ Output: namespace/wso2-system created serviceaccount/wso2am-pattern-1-svc-account created ... configmap/wso2am-p1-apim-2-conf created configmap/wso2am-p1-mysql-dbscripts created
Deploys a single node API Manager.
>> kubectl apply -f scenarios/scenario-1/ Output: configmap/apim-conf created apimanager.apim.wso2.com/custom-pattern-1 created
You can check the status of the API Manager pod and service by using the following commands.
>> kubectl get pods Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE all-in-one-api-manager-d66d6c574-bnwps 0/1 Running 0 2m43s >> kubectl get svc Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 6h28m wso2apim NodePort <none> 8280:32004/TCP,8243:32003/TCP,9763:32002/TCP,9443:32001/TCP 4m32s
To access the API Manager, add a host mapping entry to the /etc/hosts file. As we have exposed the API portal service in Node Port type, you can use the IP address of any Kubernetes node.
<Any K8s Node IP> wso2apim
For Docker for Mac use "" for the K8s node IP
For Minikube, use minikube ip command to get the K8s node IP
(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{ $.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address }')
- This will give the external IPs of the nodes available in the cluster. Pick any IP to include in /etc/hosts file.
Access URLs
- API Publisher : https://wso2apim:32001/publisher
- API Devportal : https://wso2apim:32001/devportal
- Scenario-1 : Deploy A Single API Manager Instance (Custom Pattern)
- Scenario-2 : Deploy API Manager Pattern-1 (LoadBalancer Service Type)
- Scenario-3 : Deploy API Manager Pattern-1 (NodePort Service Type)
- Scenario-4 : Deploy A Single API Manager Instance with Analytics (Custom Pattern)
- Scenario-5 : Override default configuration values
- Scenario-6 : Override ConfigMaps and PersistentVolumeClaims
- Scenario-7 : Add new configmaps and Persistent Volume Claims
- Scenario-8 : Running External NFS
- Scenario-9 : Expose API Manager using Ingress
Execute the following command if you wish to clean up the Kubernetes cluster by removing all the applied artifacts and configurations related to WSO2AM Operator.
>> kubectl delete -f artifacts/ -R
You can refer troubleshooting guide.