Author: Brett Layman
I created a maze in Blender and parsed the .obj file with my "ObjReader" class. I also imported a player model from an .obj file of a rabbit made by Dr. Millman. The maze is rendered with surface normals, while the player is rendered with averaged face normals. I made the maze green to look like vegetation, and the background light blue to look like sky. You can switch between a top-down orthographic view, and a first person perspective view with the space key. I used a single white light with ambient, diffuse, and specular shading, located above the upper right corner of the maze. I used low specular strength so that my models wouldn't look shiny.
- Use the arrow keys to move the rabbit in the direction of the arrow pressed.
- Move Forward and backwards: up and down arrows.
- Look left and right: left and right arrows.
- Look up and Down: "w" and "s" keys.