- Andrew Haley
- Lawrence Gunnell
- Connor Kazmierczak
- Ha Ly
- Sean Mitchell
- Kanra Su
- Alicja Wolak
There is a launch script that will handle bringing up the containers and performing cleanup on exit. To build and launch
the project, type bash launch.bash run
sudo docker image rm flask-server:v1
Delete existing (cached) Docker image
sudo docker build -t flask-server:v1 .
Build flask server image (in project folder):
sudo docker-compose up
Compose and run server
sudo docker-compose up -d
Run in background
Stop running server
sudo docker-compose down
Remove built server and PostgreSQL DB containers
If run in background, stop containers with:
sudo docker ps
sudo docker stop <server-container> <db-container>
In project folder:
bash launch.bash clean remove all data and project-specific Docker images
bash launch.bash run build and run the program
bash launch.bash stop stop the program
bash launch.bash rebuild remove all data and rebuild the program
bash launch.bash rebuild-db remove only DB data and re-run the program
bash launch.bash test test the program (for a freshly built container)
bash launch.bash backup [path] backup current DB to an external file
if path not provided, save in current directory as <current_date>.sql
bash launch.bash restore <filename> restore DB from an external file
bash launch.bash backup-schedule <month|week|day> [path] schedule regular backups at specified time intervals
If you get an error when running sudo docker-compose up
indicating that port 5432 (Postgres) is already in use, you need to stop postgresql and try again:
sudo service postgresql stop
If you attempt a request and receive a reply regarding unverified SSL certificates, repeat the command
with -k
provided as an additional argument.
You can open a browser and go to https://localhost:443 to connect to the running API. From here,
you can hit any of the endpoints specified in the server.py
You can also query the API from the command line, using curl
List the contents of the intake
curl -k https://localhost:443/list?table=intake -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
List entries from the intake
table, but only the submission date and MRL fields:
curl -k "https://localhost:443/list?table=intake&column=submission_date+mrl" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
List entries from the database where results are filtered based on a JSON-structured query file:
curl -k -X POST https://localhost:443/list -d @resources/test-query-and-1.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Post the sample.xlsx
file to the /load
curl -k -X POST --form "file=@resources/sample.xlsx" https://localhost:443/load?table=intake -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Add a single row, as contained in the sample-row-1.json
curl -k -X PUT https://localhost:443/load?table=intake -d @resources/sample-row-1.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Update intake table on row 1, for 2 columns, in content-type of JSON:
curl -d '{"row":"1", "receipt_num":200, "phone": 555555}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k -X POST https://localhost:443/update -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Update intake table on row 1, for 1 columns, in content-type of x-www-form-urlencoded:
curl -d "row=1&cash_amount=100" -X POST -k https://localhost:443/update -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Delete the row with ID '2' from the intake table:
curl -k "https://localhost:443/delete?table=intake&row=2" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Delete multiple rows from the intake table:
curl -k "https://localhost:443/delete?table=intake&row=1+2" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Export the intake table as a CSV file named 'intake.csv':
curl https://localhost/export?table=intake -o intake.csv -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Restore a row 1 in the archive table back to the table it was delete from:
curl -k -X PUT "https://localhost:443/restore?row=1" -b COOKIE_FILE -c COOKIE_FILE
Sign up as a new user:
curl -k -X OPTIONS -H "Origin: GUI_DOMAIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"email":"EMAIL_ADDRESS","password":"PASSWORD","name":"True"}' https://SERVER:PORT/signup
Log in as an existing user:
curl -k -X OPTIONS -H "Origin: GUI_DOMAIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"email":"EMAIL_ADDRESS","password":"PASSWORD","remember":"True"}' -c cookie.txt https://SERVER:PORT/login
Note that the cookie argument is required for the server to keep track of a user's login status.
In subsequent requests, this named cookie must be provided to the server every time using the -b
and -c
arguments, like so:
curl -X GET https://localhost/usrhello -k -b a.cookie -c a.cookie
uses the named cookie as input; -c
saves any updates the server makes to that cookie.
Log out:
curl -k https://SERVER:PORT/logout -c test.cookie -b test.cookie