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Data Center Portal System Deployment Manual


This document is a guide to the installation, configuration and operation of the BSN Spartan Network Data Center Portal System. This system connects to the Data Center Management System v1.2.0 and later version.

Hardware Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

  • 1 CPU
  • Memory: 2GB

Recommended Requirements:

  • 2 CPU
  • Memory: 4GB

System Installation

1. Prerequisites

Software Version
Node.js 14+
git 2.39.0+
Spartan-I Chain Default Node -
Data Center Management System 1.1.0+
Data Center Gateway (recommended) -
PM2 (optional) latest

Note: Data Center Gateway is provided by the Data Center Operator to its end-users for accessing the Spartan Network. It can protect the node access, and regulates the transaction amount of end-users. We strongly recommend that the Data Center Operator should set up the Data Center Gateway before installing the portal system.

You can either use the command line to deploy and start the portal referring to Chapter 2-4, or use the docker image to deploy and start the portal referring to Chapter 5.

2. Download the Data Center Portal Deployment Package

Download the data center portal deployment package to a local directory:

git clone

3. Configure the Data Center Portal and Management System

3.1 Configure the Data Center Portal and Management System

Configure the port number and IP address in Data-Center-Portal/config.js file:

module.exports = {
  baseURL: "data_center_url",  
  PORT: "data center portal port",

Example: baseURL: "" PORT: "3000"

Note: After changing the port number of Data Center Portal or the URL of Data Center Management System, you must run the command below to rebuild the project.

Rebuild the project:

npm run build

3.2 Portal Management

The logo and other information of the portal can be set in the Data Center Management System.

Please refer to Portal Management section to configure the information of the portal.

4. Start the Data Center Portal System

Go to the directory where the deployment package is located

4.1 Install Dependencies

npm install

4.2 Start/Stop the Project

4.2.1 Start the Project
npm run build
npm run start
4.2.2 Stop the Project

4.3 Permanent Start/Stop the Project

4.3.1 PM2 Management Tool

Install PM2:

npm install pm2@latest -g

Check whether PM2 is successfully installed:

pm2 -v

Please be noted that PM2 is not a must, it's a node application management tool that we recommended, you can use whatever you like.

4.3.2 Permanent Start
npm run build
pm2 start server.js
4.3.3 Permanent Stop
pm2 stop server.js

5. Build and Start the Data Center Portal by Docker

Download the application package of the Data Center Portal from here.

5.1 Configure Application Package

In Data-Center-Portal/standalone/config.js, change the baseURL to the link of Data Center Management System:

module.exports = {
  baseURL: "data center url",

Example: baseURL: ""

5.2 Configure docker-compose.yaml

In the configuration file, you need only to modify the local port for this service. The corresponding service port in the container does not need to be modified. For example, if the URL of the portal is, you can change the ports as - "3333:3000".

version: '3.1'
    image: gengxiaofang/nodejs17.3_pm2-5.2.2:v1
      - "xxxx:3000"
    privileged: true
    restart: always
      - ./standalone:/data
    command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "pm2 start /data/server.js --no-daemon" ]

5.3 Start the Service

  1. If you start the service in the directory where the docker-compose.yaml file is located, and it is the only yaml file in the directory, you can start the service directly using the following command:
docker-compose up -d
  1. If there are more than one yaml files in the directory, you can start the service by specifying the file name, such as xxxx.yaml:
docker-compose -f xxxx.yaml up -d

5.4 Stop the Service

You can run below command to stop all docker-compose services:

 docker-compose down

Or you can stop a specific service by:

docker-compose -f xxxx.yaml down

6. User Manual Deployment

After deploying the portal, you need to customize the default user manual to meet the actual business requirements.

We have provided the user manual in both .docx and .md versions, which can be obtained in Data-Center-Portal/public/static/ directory.

When using the user manual in markdown format, make sure you have already installed gitbook locally. Here we take Windows system as an example to introduce how to install and use it:

  1. Download and install Node.js from Official Website, you need to use a lower version of Node.js (for example v12.12.0) to install gitbook.

  2. Open command prompt and check the version: node -v v12.12.0 npm -v 6.11.3

  3. Install gitbook by command prompt: npm install gitbook-cli -g Run command below to check the version: gitbook --version CLI version: 2.3.2 GitBook version: 3.2.3

  4. Create a folder and run command below to check whether gitbook has been successfully installed: gitbook init

    If installed, the following message will be returned:

    warn: no summary file in this book
    info: create
    info: create
    info: initialization is finished
  5. Copy the user manual in word format and user-manual folder to this folder. The user manual in markdown format is saved in in user-manual folder.


    You can edit the word document and then export it to the pdf version and store that file in the same path.

    Please keep the name consistent among different user manual formats.

  6. Edit markdown documents. You can open user-manual folder through Visual Studio Code to edit the markdown document.

  • Click to change the directory. Please note that the directory structure is consistent with the word document.


  • Click, edit the name, version and revision date of the user manual. If you do not need to provide the pdf version, you can delete the last row of data.


  • Configure the logo and copyright information of your online user manual in book.json.


  • The default user manual creates folders according to chapters. The contents of each chapter are stored in the corresponding folder as markdown documents. You can edit them directly.


  • After editing the markdown documents, you can check the user manual by typing gitbook serve command to generate html file. You can also directly type gitbook build command to generate the user manual in the terminal, and the generated manual will be stored in _ Book folder. After saving the file, press Ctrl+C to terminate the command.


  • Enable global search, replace <a href="./"> with <a href="./index. html">, replace< A href="../"> with <a href="../index. html">. Then, find index.html file in _book folder and replace ../ with ./.


  • After the above operations are completed, replace the files in the Data-Center-Portal/public/static/user-manual folder in the server with the files in _book folder.