A student-led effort to write and teach low level operating system code. This organization merely acts as a centralized resource for accessing the work of said students.
- Software contained within this organization's repositories does not belong to BYU - Idaho, and the copyright belongs to the authors of ever individual character of code.
- We do not claim the trademarkof BYU or BYU - Idaho. No trademark associated with BYU - Idaho belongs in these repositories, only original material!
- No software contained in these repositories belongs to BYU - Idaho.
- Most software within the repositories is to be attributed to the student organization, NOT to BYU - Idaho.
- Software within the repositories is licensed under GNU GPL 3.0 unless explicity stated otherwise. These licenses are authorized by the authors of the original code. The authors choose to make their code public under the stipulations in those licenses, but they do NOT renounce their copyright privileges.
The choice to remove, retain, or append code or repositories to and from this organization can be made by the authors of the code and anyone above them on this hierarchy:
Most Privileged (Top) to Least Priveleged (Bottom)
- Founders of the organization (Aidan and Brady).
- Owners of the organization, also known as coordinators (role appointed by founders).
- Contributors (role appointed by owners).
- Original Author (the author that commits changes to any repository).
It should be noted that, although you retain the right to reuse and re-license code and software you create and distribute in these repositories, the licenses and rights associated with them can not be revoked by the author, as per the clauses in the GNU GPL 3.0 License.