What's Changed
- Babylon.js compatibily lists by @CedricGuillemet in #559
- Add 0.70 to @babylonjs/react-native/README.md by @runtothedoor in #557
- Test RN versions by @CedricGuillemet in #567
- Update BabylonNative by @CedricGuillemet in #568
- React-Native 0.71 support by @CedricGuillemet in #556
- SLA Readme update by @CedricGuillemet in #571
- remove .pfx and add x86_64 for Android by @CedricGuillemet in #576
- fix gradle and cmake for Windows local PG 0.71 builds by @CedricGuillemet in #577
- Fix test gen windows by @CedricGuillemet in #578
Full Changelog: 1.5.1...1.6.0