Simple website testing both user's memory and knowledge. It allows for them to sign in and then log in in order to save the results. The site offers 4 games - three of them based purely on memory whereas one of them is strictly related to geographical knowledge.
Clone the repo and install the dependencies.
npm install
After installing all the dependencies, the next step is to run the local database (MongoDB), seed the database and then start the application. Running the database:
Seeding the database:
cd seeds
node seeds_countries.js seeds_games.js seeds_words.js
Start the application:
nodemon app.js
The very first thing that the user sees is the home page presenting 4 tiles, each related to different mini-game. The navbar at the top of the website has two options in the top right corner - sign in and then log in which allow anyone to have the possibility to save the results after every game.
The dashboard option is there to see all the results other people managed to get by playing the mini-games.
The website offers four games, each testing different skills related to memory and geographical knowledge. The descriptions of them and the screens presenting the course of the games are as follows.
Country Game - user is supposed to guess which country it is based on the clues from the previous types!
Word Game - user has to keep in mind as many words as possible in order to choose if the displayed word is new or has been seen before!
Number Sequence - user needs to remember increasingly long numbers and type them after specific time!
Simon Says - user has to remember an increasingly long pattern of signs shown on the tiles (there are 9 of them). After the sequence has been displayed, user has to repeat it perfectly!
After each game, a logged in user is able to save his results if he wishes to do that.