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Session Storage

Keep your browsing sessions in memory, don't loose your work and don't be afraid to close the browser.

SessionStorage is released under the GNU GPL v3 license. Unit Tests status Package verification status

The cross-browser add-on (extension) to store browsing sessions.
It's purpose is to keep all your opened tabs in memory so you won't be afraid to close your browser or to start a new session.

The idea is to have a simple plugin (being available in the upper-right corner) that will allow you to:

  • Save the current session (of current window) under specific ID or customized key
  • Reopen selected session in a new browser window
  • Manage your saved sessions by deleting it or modifying

Installation & Usage

This extension can be installed by:

  • installing it via the selected add-ons market by clicking one of the buttons bellow:
  • downloading it directly from the Releases page and install it manually in your browser

After successful installation you will see the extension icon in the upper-right corner of your browser. Popup that appears allows to do four actions:

Save Saves all tabs of the current window under the name specified in the input on the left.
The name itself is also saved in memory, so that it's easier to select it later.
Edit Edits the selected session (the one which name was selected/entered in the text field input). The edit action is available under the SAVE button.
Note that this action completely overwrites the selected session with all the tabs currently opened in current window.
NOTE: This action can't be reverted - each session is saved without it's change revisions/history.
Delete Removes the session which name was entered/selected in the text field input. Name of deleted session will also be removed so only the existing sessions will be availble to be selected.
NOTE: If name of a non-existing session will be entered to be deleted this action takes no effect.
Reopen Opens all tabs previously saved under the selected/entered session's name.
All tabs of reopened session are created in the current window, so the advice is to reopen a session in a new window to avoid mixing various sessions


If you would like to contribute to the SessionStorage project, you are more than welcome!
Any contribution is to make the project better and to improve the user's experience.
So if you'd like to contribute, you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Create an Issue and let the author handle it
    Each issue created in the Issues section gives a chance of improving the project and make it even more useful.
  • Create the Pull Request with the desired changes (please see further for how to develop this extension).
    After a detailed review it will be merged.
    Please remember to give the detailed description of why such change is needed, what is the test plan and what are the details of your implementation. This will make the review easier and quicker.
    Please also remember to check the unit tests and implement additional tests in case of providing the project with some new features/new code.


If you plan to implement changes to this extension:

  1. Clone your fork of this repository
  2. Run npm install in the root of this repository to install all the dependencies and tools
    Please make sure to have the npm installed first.
  3. Implement your changes and test them:
    Manually by following these steps
    Or automatically by running npm run-script test and npm run-script build in the root of your clone

Thank you for using the add-on!