The Nolvus modpack requires a lot of files to be downloaded from Nexus Mods. Although possible to download the mods through manually "clicking" the "Slow Download" button on the Nexus Mods website rendered within the Nolvus Dashboard. This will take a substantial amount of time to complete.
The solution of course is to just buy the premium subscription from Nexus Mods. But that's not why you are here ;) - nor me.
Being annoyed at manually clicking the slow download button, I decided to find out how to automate it. Of course the inital thought is to use an automated mouse clicker. This doesn't work since the window rendering the website might not be scrolled to the correct position or some Nexus mods video ads would popup over the button etc.
Launch the Nolvus Dashboard with the --remote-debugging-port=8088
This can be done on Windows by creating a shortcut of the executable
and then specifying the flags after the executable in the Target
Target: "<path to exe>" --remote-debugging-port=8088
Then run the Automagic Downloader.
go run .
git clone
cd nolvus-automagic-downloader
go build .
Nolvus is a .Net application running Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), specifically CEFSharp.
The Wine setup I found to work through bottles with the sys-wine-9.0
and the following dependencies:
- arial32
- times32
- courie32
- mono
- gecko
- vcredist2019
- andale32
- arialb32
- comic32
- georgi32
- impact32
- tahoma32
- trebuc32
- verdan32
- webdin32
- allfonts
- dotnet40
- dotnet45
- dotnet46
- dotnet461
- dotnet462
- dotnet472
- vcredist2022
- vcredist6
- vcredist2015
- dotnet452
- vcredist2013
- consolas
- unifont
Once the Nolvus Dashboard does the installation steps (with the CEF popups) after clicking the "Slow Download" button it might give you an error about missing fonts, specifically the SegoeUI fonts.
Below are instructions for installing Microsoft fonts on Arch.
yay -Sy ttf-win10
Other packages such as ttf-ms-win10-auto
didn't work for me.
Running the downloads this way could re-focus the mouse on to the popup window which is very annoying if you are still using the PC.
So far I have been able to disable the rendering through CEF with additional flags but this does not prevent Nolvus from popping up a new window.
--off-screen-rendering-enabled --headless --disable-gpu