This Is Not A Website Dot Com Rare Responses Forcer
In the ARG there's a rare possibility for the user to get a different response with the same password. However, the webpage only fetches
the first time it's loaded. That means if you want to see one of the rare responses, you must refresh the webpage every time. Until now!
This code's purpose is to make easier that task by directly fetching
and making a preview of all the possible server responses out there.
Python 3.12 recommended.
Live Server or Live Preview extensions for the HTML previewing.
git clone
cd TINAWDC-Rare-Responses-Forcer
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Change the content of 'example.env'.
- Rename it to '.env'.
The code will automatically send every different response from the
server to the Discord Webhook. It should be compatible with every type of response. Either multimedia or HTML.
Ctrl + C
to stop the script.
- Added controllers for audios
- Added proper presentation of raw messages (PC background)
- Added Support for redirection links
Any contribution would be appreciated.