You will need 🛠️ -
- Git - 2.27.0 .
- Docker - 20.10.3 .
- Docker-compose - 1.25.2 .
- Java - 11 ☕
- Maven - 3.6.3
Just so you know, also previous versions of the applications might work, but they were not tested.
clone the kogito-examples Repository .
git clone
Check out the stable branch.
cd kogito-examples
git checkout stable
Build a new kogito decision service with the tracing-addon and the monitoring-addon. or you can compile and package already prepared service at.
Before building jar check for the embedded Maven version if you using any IDE.
mvn clean package -DskipTests -f dmn-tracing-quarkus/pom.xml
Change the directory to -
Give this command to your cmd at the present directory.
docker build -t <your_namespace>/dmn-tracing-quarkus:1.0 dmn-tracing-quarkus/
Now the docker image will be built.
In order to do that, change your current directory to
With your preferred editor, edit the file docker-compose.yaml and replace the line 48 with the tag of the docker image you have just created.
docker-compose up
with the above command, you will able to see that some data is downloading and pulling. On successful pulling, there are some containers created.
- You can now open localhost:8080/swagger-ui
Execute some POST requests to the LoanEligibility with the following payload.
"Bribe": 1000,
"Client": {
"age": 43,
"existing payments": 100,
"salary": 1950
"Loan": {
"duration": 15,
"installment": 180
"SupremeDirector": "Yes"
You should now see the executions in the AuditUI and the monitoring data in Grafana.
AuditUI: localhost:1337
Grafana: localhost:3000