First of all, these configurations are only for my own use. Current there're three parts configurations:
- Vim
- Wezterm
- PowerShellCore Profile.
Configuraitons on different platforms support:
- Vim: Windows and Linux
- Wezterm: Windows and Linux
- PowerShellCore profile: Windows only
The most important thing at first is to back up all your configurations on Vim, Wezterm and PowerShellCore Profile.
Due to some common libs which used by wezterm are in vim, perhaps configure vim first. If you only want to use wezterm, then copy the lua file under common folder to any place could be retrieved by wezterm.
Clone this repo into $PROFILE parent directory, execute following command in powershell.
$mydocuments = [environment]::getfolderpath([environment+specialfolder]::mydocuments)
cd $mydocuments
git clone PowerShell
Create links for Vim
@echo off
if exist nvim rmdir /q nvim
if exist nvim-data rmdir /q nvim-data
mklink /D nvim "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PowerShell\simplevim"
mklink /D nvim-data "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PowerShell\simplevim\data"
Create links for Wezterm
@echo off
if exist .wezterm.lua del /f /q .wezterm.lua
if exist .wezterm rmdir /q .wezterm
mklink .wezterm.lua "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Powershell\wezterm\wezterm.lua"
mklink /D .wezterm "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PowerShell\wezterm\lua"
Ignore the PowerShellCore Profile, clone the repo into $YOUR_PATH
git clone $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell
Create links for Wezterm
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/wezterm
cd $HOME/.config/wezterm
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/wezterm/wezterm.lua wezterm.lua
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/wezterm/lua/config.lua config.lua
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/wezterm/lua/events.lua events.lua
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/wezterm/lua/keymap.lua keymap.lua
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/wezterm/lua/pkg.lua pkg.lua
Create links for Vim
cd $HOME/.config
ln -sv $YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/simplevim nvim
into your .zshrc or .bashrc, etc
export SIMPLEVIM=$YOUR_PATH/PowerShell/simplevim
Refer to modules and tools