Latest archived copy of database dump for the Tankie Wiki project as of November 9, 2021 (2021-11-09). Title and file names are time-stamped so maintainers can upload the most recent archived copy. The XML files should be enough to re-host the wiki elsewhere if the original website is taken down.
This document is maintained by a small but diverse network of marxists, anarchists, progressives, and other aligned leftists. Everyone tends to work on their own little section independently or follows their own interests. Wherever possible native speakers have also included links in original languages or worked on sections relevant to their own backgrounds.
We also include a range of different perspectives, wherever possible including state documents or the perspectives of communists and leftists from affected areas, so as to decentralize US-centric tankieism in left discourses. This goal is especially important around more pressing topics, such as genocide revisionism and the mass repression of complex social movements. We also hope to help update conversations around certain key events into the current moment.
We trust the reader to employ critical thinking about the biases of any piece in this document and instead seek to form an understanding beyond the many different angles presented here. As much as possible, we attempt to name the biases of different outlets as stated in the accessibility description.
The larger communities with which much of this information was developed are mostly not from the US, are heavily queer, and largely non-white/western.
Original website:
Original Google Docs:
Archived copy of the Tankie Wiki exists as 7z compressed archive file due to the size of the XML files. Use 7-Zip or similar software to extract and uncompress the XML files.
To archive a wiki hosted on Fandom, please check documentation under Help:database download on the Fandom website. It is simple as going to Special:Statistics
then scrolling to bottom of the page to a header entitled "Database dumps".
Alternatively, there is set of open-source archival tools from WikiTeam which can be found on GitHub (which migrated from Google Code); and XOWA, a free and open-source application to view wikis on a computer without an Internet connection, also provides instructions on how to import database dumps from Fandom (formerly Wikia).
Please check the release section for easily-accessible downloads instead of trying to save from the repository if you do not know how to use GitHub.
- tankie_pages_current.xml.2021-11-09.7z [646 KB]
- tankie_pages_full.xml.2021-11-09.7z [1.43 MB]
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Name: tankie_pages_current.xml (2021-11-09).7z
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