Our Udemy course will teach you all you need to know to create rigged characters for video games.
You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files!
You can download the latest state of this section, or go to Commits then download to get our project as it was at the end of any lecture.
Here are the lectures of the course for this section...
- Michael welcomes you to the course
- Explains the structure of the course
- First section is for complete beginners
- Where to download Blender from
- How to check your version of Blender
- Warning about carefree updating
- Potential issues using Steam as a package manager
- Interface Scale
- Switching and resizing frames
- Regions: Header, tools and properties
- Tabs and panels
- Zooming, Rotating and Panning the View
- Changing Views
- The origin
- Pivot points
- Transforming using the 3D manipulator widget
- Transforming using the tools menu
- Transforming using shortcut keys
- Increment Snapping
- Adding objects
- Mesh objects
- Introduction To the 3D cursor- Left Clicking
- Normal Direction Matters!
- Particles can use normals to issue particles in certain directions.
- Freestyle can use normals for artistic elements
- Modifiers use normals. EG. Edge Split Modifier, Shrink Wrap , Displacement.
- Selection of faces can use normals
- And many more...
- Bring our scene to life
- Animate the Cube
- How to add Key frames
- (Updated 20/10/2017)
- The Camera is used for rendering
- How to position the camera
- Recording The camera's motion
- Really useful for jittery animations
- You can share your work on our facebook group
- You can share you work on our community site!
- Keep the Udemy Q&A clear for questions :)
- Interface Scale
- Input Emulate 3 Button Mouse / Emulate Numberpad
- Add-ons
- Themes
- File: Save Versions and the TEMP folder
- System: Cycles Compute Device
- (Updated 20/10/2017)
- Difference between Blender Render And Cycles
- Add Light to our scene
- Changing the viewport shading
- Rendering an image
- Rendering an animation ready to share
- Make A Bouncing Ball
- Use any of the technique you have learnt in this first section
- Share it With Us
- Well done
- Remember to share your work on the forum!
- Jump straight in to the next section.