Our Udemy course will teach you all you need to know to create rigged characters for video games.
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Here are the lectures of the course for this section...
- Michael gives an overview, showing you what is coming up in the section ahead.
- Start with some foundational controls
- Setup our workspace to suit our task
- Create a simple rig
- You will understand the importance of naming throughout your project
- A core skill to get right early on
- How to use the various deletion options
- Creation but destruction
- Border Selection (B)
- Circle Selection (C)
- Limit selection to visible
- Wireframe viewport shading
- Selecting more/less
- Not all things are created equal
- Sometimes it doesn't matter
- Sometimes it is critical to modelling
- (Updated 22/10/2017)
- Edge loops
- Face loops
- (Updated 19/10/2017)
- Really Useful when modelling
- Confusing if left on or influence too large
- (Updated 20/10/2017)
- Flat and smooth shading
- Different shading objects in object and edit mode
- What is a material
- Materials are render engine specific
- Often they will have to be re setup
- Simple material creation
- Material slots and reusing materials
- (Updated 22/10/2017)
- The location of the origin point is important when translating, rotating or scaling an object
- Take control of how object transform
- Understand the properties of an object are the object origin's properties
- The origin affects physics calculations
- (Updated 27/11/2017)
- Quick Tip
- Edit in Edit Mode
- General Rule, apply scale and rotate transforms
- What is parenting?
- How to set a parent
- Parent and child relationships
- Inheritance
- What is an empty?
- Why use an empty?
- Empties are a null object, however have many uses
- No volume or surface means they don't appear in rendering
- What they look like is just for visuals
- They can be used as an organisational parent
- Placeholders
- Used for rigging controls and other properties
- How to use groups
- Great for moving and organising you Blend files
- A character model on its own can't be animated
- A series of controls external to the model need to be created
- THIS is Rigging!
- Any static 3d model needs to be bent, twisted, expanded moved translated etc.
- We already have the fundamentals of a rig
- Rigging is a whole new discipline for many and many mistakes and reties will have to be done to get to an end result you want.
- Create an armature
- Identify parts of a bone
- Bona based is essential for game engines otherwise the animation won't come across.
- Parenting is a form of constraint
- You can lock transforms
- Doesn't stop parents transforms
- Learn about constraining movement
- Flesh out the rig controlling the eye bones
- Use the track to constraint
- Updated (14/11/2017)
- Check the roll of your bones
- Checking our bone constraints
- Collapsing windows
- Create new area windows
- Swapping areas
- Getting back default layout
- Saving the Start-up File
- Screens - Blender's Workspaces
- Learn how to transfer settings from one blend file to another
- Difference between linking and appending
- https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/data_system/data_blocks.html
- Overview of the dope sheet and what it is used for
- Different views of the Dope Sheet
- Expanding to view individual keyframes
- Using the dope sheet for more precise control over when things happen
- Overview of the graph editor
- Control points and handles
- Changing handle types (Fixed Errors 14/11/2017)
- On one timeline and Tag
- Multiple actions
- Offsetting the animation to ensure no pausing when looping.
- (Updated 28/11/2017)
- We will have to do a little re rigging
- Learn how to make a bone look like another options
- Make a rig that will work externally in multiple engines (Updated 14/11/2017)
- Various options for exporting
- Sometimes experimentation is required
- Reading through the various options
- Ensure you only export what you need
- FBX is generally accepted by all game engines and other 3D Packages
- FBX contains the mesh objects
- FBX can export material name and assignment
- FBX can export armature bone data and mesh weighting
- Naming issues prevent Unreal from opening our file
- End Of Section Challenge
- 3 Short Eye Animations
- Exported As FBX and test!
- UE4 can be funny at times
- Troubleshooting animations not appearing as you would expect
- Wow lots covered
- Looking forward to seeing your work!
- Try Applying your knowledge to other simple movements