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Underdog Devs

Product Mission and Goals

Underdog Devs is a group of software developers supporting the formerly incarcerated & disadvantaged in their transition into the software industry.

Getting Started

The base technologies are JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The frontend leverages React, the backend uses Express and PostgreSQL, the server runs on Heroku, and the authentication workflow runs on Okta.

Developer Instructions

  1. From the backend directory, in your terminal:
    1. Create an environment file (.env) and populate the environment variables (Migrate/Seed your local database)
    2. Make sure the .env is in your .gitignore
    3. Follow the Lambda instructions to set up the local PostgreSQL database
      • In addition, create a 'test' database (for use in integration testing), and set the TESTING_DATABASE_URL environment variable, following the format of the DATABASE_URL variable, inside of your .env file to configure your connection to it. For reference this format is: postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:8080/DATABASE_NAME
    4. Download the server dependencies by running npm install
    5. Migrate your tables by running npm run knex migrate:latest
    6. Seed your tables by running npm run knex seed:run
    7. Start up the server by running npm run watch:dev
  2. From the frontend directory in your terminal:
    1. Download the frontend dependencies by running npm install
    2. Start up the app by running npm start

Database Design

DB Designer

Whimsical Relational Database Design


Response Codes

Status Codes Please see this file for more info.


Method Endpoint Request Body Returns
GET / - { api: "up", timestamp }

User Authorization

Except for non-logged in features, users must be logged in to access all endpoints
User Authorization
SuperAdmin only SuperAdmin can access
Admin only admin and up can access
Mentor only mentor and up can access
Anyone has access


Reference profile schema:
    "profile_id": "00ulzfj6nX72gu3Nh4d6",
    "email": "email@email.mail",
    "location": "Sedona, Arizona",
    "company": "Unemployed",
    "tech_stack": ["react", "msPaint"],
    "role_id": 3,
    "created_at": "2022-03-30T23:36:21.053Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-03-30T23:36:21.053Z",
    "is_active": true,
    "progress_status": null,
    "attendance_rate": 0.4689,
    "progress_id": null
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth DS API?
GET /profile - get all profiles Admin false
GET /profile/:id - get profile by id Admin false
GET /profile/current_user - get current profile false
POST /profile first/last, email create new profile false
PUT /profile/ update current profile false
PUT /profile/:id update a profile by profile id Admin false
PUT /profile/roles role update a profiles role Admin false
PUT /profile/is_active/:id - activates/deactivates a profile SuperAdmin false
POST /profile/mentor/information - mentor name, city, state, and availability true
POST /profile/mentee/information - mentee name, city, state true
POST /profile/availability/:profile_id accepting_new_mentees update availability status User

Applications / Mentee-Mentor Intakes

Application schema:
    "application_id": 1,
    "position": "4",
    "profile_id": "10",
    "approved": false,
    "created_at": "2021-11-01T17:59:02.023Z",
    "application_notes":"Notes about applicant",
Mentor intake schema:
    "profile_id": "string",
    "first_name": "string",
    "last_name": "string",
    "email": "",
    "country": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "current_company": "string",
    "current_position": "string",
    "tech_stack": [
    "job_help": true,
    "industry_knowledge": true,
    "pair_programming": true,
    "commitment": true,
    "referred_by": "string",
    "other_info": "string",
    "validate_status": "pending",
    "is_active": false,
    "accepting_new_mentees": false
Mentee intake schema:
    "profile_id": "string",
    "first_name": "string",
    "last_name": "string",
    "email": "",
    "country": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "formerly_incarcerated": true,
    "underrepresented_group": true,
    "low_income": true,
    "convictions": "string",
    "tech_stack": "string",
    "job_help": true,
    "pair_programming": true,
    "referred_by": "string",
    "other_info": "string",
    "validate_status": "approved",
    "is_active": true,
    "in_project_underdog": true
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /application/ - gets all pending applications Admin
GET /application/:role -mentor or mentee (req.param) gets all pending applications filtered by role Admin
GET /application/profileId/:id -profile id (req.param) gets pending application by profile id Admin
POST /application/new/:role -mentor or mentee (req.param), sign-up form data(mentor/mentee intake) stores intake data & creates new pending application
PUT /update-validate_status/:profile_id -position (role), validate_status, create profile and update application to approved: true Admin
PUT /application/register/:id -profile_id (req.param) registers user to okta & updates application to approved: true Admin
PUT /application/update-notes/:id -application_id (req.param) , application_notes (req.body.application_notes) updates note field on application ticket Admin
PUT /application/intake/:role/:id -role (req.param) , profile_id (req.param) get mentor or mentee intake data from DS database Admin

Application - Matching Mentors and Mentees

Application schema:
    "application_id": 2,
    "created_at": "2022-01-13T20:44:31.827Z",
    "first_name": "User",
    "last_name": "8",
    "profile_id": "00u13oned0U8XP8Mb4x7",
    "role_name": "mentee"

Assignments - Matching Mentors and Mentees

Assignments schema:
    "assignment_id": 1,
    "mentor_id": "7",
    "mentee_id": "10"
Mentor's mentees schema and vice versa:
    "assignment_id": 1,
    "mentee_id": "10",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "User",
    "last_name": "10",
    "role_id": 4,
    "created_at": "2021-11-01T17:59:02.023Z",
    "pending": true
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /assignments - get all assignments Admin
GET /assignments/:assignment_id - get assignment by assignment id Admin
GET /assignments/mentor/:id - get all the mentees a mentor has by the mentor's id Admin
GET /assignments/mentee/:id - get all the mentors a mentee has by the mentee's id Admin
GET /assignments/mymentors - get all the mentors the current user has
GET /assignments/mymentees - get all the mentees the current user has
POST /assignments mentor_id,mentee_id create a new assignment between a mentor and mentee Admin
PUT /assignments/:id mentor_id or mentee_id update a assignment by assignment id, Admin
DELETE /assignments/:id - delete assignment by assignment_id Admin


Meetings schema:
    meeting_id: 2,
    created_at: 2022-03-12T00:42:20.382Z,
    updated_at: 2022-03-12T00:42:20.382Z,
    meeting_topic: 'lorem dipz um',
    meeting_start_date: 1640353440,
    meeting_end_date: 1640354210,
    host_id: '7',
    attendee_id: '00ultx74kMUmEW8054x6',
    meeting_notes: 'Remember to bring a smile',
    meeting_missed: 'Pending'
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /meetings - get all meetings Admin
GET /meetings/:meeting_id - get meeting by meeting id Admin
GET /meetings/profile/:profile_id - get all the meetings a profile_id has scheduled Admin
GET /meetings/my-meetings - get all the meetings the current user has
POST /meetings meeting_topic,meeting_date, meeting_time,host_id,attendee_id, create a new meeting Mentor
PUT /meetings/:meeting_id meeting_topic or meeting_date or meeting_time or host_id or attendee_id update a meeting by meeting_id, Mentor
DELETE /meetings/:meeting_id - delete meeting by meeting_id Mentor


Resources schema:
    "resource_id": 1,
    "created_at": "2021-11-12T19:50:44.914Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-12T19:50:44.914Z",
    "resource_name": "MacBook Pro 2020",
    "category": "Computers",
    "condition": "Excellent",
    "assigned": true,
    "current_assignee": "9",
    "previous_assignee": "7",
    "monetary_value": "1000$",
    "deductible_donation": true
Method Endpoint URL Parameters Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /resources Allows Querying (i.e. /resources?condition=Excellent) - get all resources
GET /resources/:resource_id resource_id (required) must be an integer value - get a resource by resource_id
POST /resources resource_name,category,condition add a new resource to the db Admin
PUT /resources/:resource_id resource_id (required) must be an integer value resource_name,category,condition update a resource by resource_id, Admin
DELETE /resources/:resource_id resource_id (required) must be an integer value - delete a resource by resource_id from db Admin

Resource Tickets

Resource tickets is the management system for Mentors/Admin to communicate about a specific resource. (Requests, Recommendations, etc.)
Resource Ticket schema:
    "resource_ticket_id": 1,
    "created_at": "2021-11-12T19:50:44.916Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-12T19:50:44.916Z",
    "submitted_by": "7",
    "pertains_to": "Elon Musk",
    "message": "Elon deserves to have the 2020 MacBook Pro. Of all the mentees I have, I think he has the most potential."
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /resource-tickets - get all resource tickets Admin
GET /resource-tickets/:resource_ticket_id - get a ticket by it id Admin
GET /resource-tickets/mytickets - get all the current user's tickets
POST /resource-tickets message create a new ticket Mentor
PUT /resource-tickets/:resource_id message update a ticket by resource_ticket_id, Mentor
DELETE /resource-tickets/:resource_id - delete a ticket by resource_id from db Mentor
Actions Tickets schema:
    "action_ticket_id": 2,
    "submitted_by": "11",
    "subject_id": "00u13oned0U8XP8Mb4x7",
    "issue": "My mentor isn't really helping me learn, could I seek reassignment?",
    "comments": null,
    "pending": true,
    "resolved": true,
    "strike": false,
    "created_at": "2021-12-07T17:08:00.987Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-12-07T17:08:00.987Z"
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /actions - get all actions tickets -
GET /actions/:actions_id - get an actions ticket by id -
POST /actions submitted_by, subject_id, issue create a new actions ticket -
PUT /actions/:actions_id - update an actions ticket -
Roles schema:
    "profile_id": 2,
    "role_id": 4 (from 2 to 5)
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /roles - get all available roles admin
GET /roles/:profile_id - get a specific profile's role_id -
PUT /roles/:profile_id role_id update a profile's role admin
Role Ticket Schema:
    "role_ticket_id": 1,
    "submitted_by": "00ulthapbErVUwVJy4x6",
    "subject_id": "00ulthapbErVUwVJy4x6",
    "requested_role": 1,
    "approved_by": "00ulthapbErVUwVJy4x6",
    "comments": "This is my 1st dummy data comment",
    "pending": true,
    "resolved": false,
    "created_at": "2022-01-25T20:33:26.119Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-01-25T20:33:26.119Z"
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /role-tickets - get all role tickets admin
GET /role-tickets/:role_ticket_id - get a specific role ticket admin
POST /role-tickets submitted_by, subject_id, requested_role create a new role ticket
PUT /role-tickets/:role_ticket_id - updates a role ticket by id
DELETE /role-tickets/:role_ticket_id - delete a role ticket by id
Progress schema:
    "profile_id": 2,
    "progress_id": 4 (from 1 to 5)
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /progress - get all available progress tags mentor
GET /progress/:profile_id - get a specific profile's current progress -
PUT /progress/:profile_id progress_id update a profile's progress admin
Notes schema:
    "note_id": 1 (PK, integer, automatically generated),
    "created_by": profile_id of note creator(FK),
    "content_type": type here,
    "status": ["in progress", "resolved", "no action needed", "escalated"]
    "content": note text,
    "level": low medium or high,
    "visible_to_admin": true,
    "visible_to_mentor": true,
    "visible_to_mentee": false,
    "mentor_id": profile_id of mentor(FK),
    "mentee_id": profile_id of mentee(FK),
    "created_at": timestamp with time zone (automatically generated),
    "updated_at": timestamp with time zone (automatically generated)
Method Endpoint Required Request Body Returns User Auth
GET /notes - get all notes -
GET /notes/:note_id note_id(params) get note by note_id -
GET /notes/mentee/:mentee_id mentee_id(params) get notes by mentee_id -
POST /notes created_by, newly created note -
                                             `mentee_id`                                           | `added note`                      | -         |

| PUT | /notes/:note_id | note_id(params), status, content, and/or level | updated note | - | | DELETE | /notes/:note_id | note_id(params) | remove note by note_id | - |


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