dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Bodiart:BlurSelect:1.4.1'
package com.example
class App: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
Dont forget to add this class in manifest (like this):
Just call
BlurSelect.selectView(selectView, viewForCard, config)
- selectView - view what you want to focus
- viewForCard - layout which you want to show after select (you can specify size as you want, or it will be calculated automatically)
- config -
object for determining animation durations and values, viewForCard size and other (there are some prepared configs for different animations)
To add viewForCard listeners:
val blurSelect = BlurSelect.selectView(selectView, viewForCard, config)
blurSelect.addCardListener(viewId, listener)
1) BlurConfigs.withShadowConfig(elevationFrom, elevationTo)
- elevationFrom - start shadow animation with this elevation
- elevationTo - end shadow animation with this elevation
Enables shadow animation. If you are using CardView as selectView and you already have elevation, just specify
elevationFrom = CardView.cardElevation
2) BlurConfigs.withRadiusConfig(radiusFrom, radiusTo)
- radiusFrom - start animation with this radius
- radiusTo - end animation with this radius
If you are using CardView as selectView and you already have corner radius, just specify
radiusFrom = CardView.radius
3) BlurConfigs.onlyScaleUpConfig(scaleUpTo)
- scaleUpTo - end scale up animation with this scale (t can be lesser than 1)
4) BlurConfigs.withShadowAndRadiusConfig(elevationFrom, elevationTo, radiusFrom, radiusTo)
5) BlurConfigs.onlyScaleUpWithShadowConfig(scaleUpTo, elevationFrom, elevationTo)
6) BlurConfigs.onlyScaleUpWithRadiusConfig(scaleUpTo, radiusFrom, radiusTo)
7) BlurConfigs.onlyScaleUpWithShadowAndRadiusConfig(scaleUpTo, elevationFrom, elevationTo, radiusFrom, radiusTo)
- radius of background blur factorblurredBgBlurDownScaleFactor
- background view bitmap downscale factor
- auto calculate card width and height (if you want to specify size manually - set it to false)cardTopAdditionMargin
- additional card vertical margincardStartEndAdditionMargin
- additional card horizontal margin
- duplicate card view params, such as elevation, background color and radius. If selectView is CardView - it can duplicate params. Or you can set it to false and specify radius, background color and elevation (by setting shadow animation) manuallyselectViewCardShadowAnimEnabled
- enable shadow (elevation) animation. SpecifyselectViewCardAnimDurationShadowOn
- enable radius (card corner radius) animation. SpecifyselectViewCardAnimDurationRadiusOn