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This proest is an off-the-shelf gulp build

Installation and Running Gulp Build

This project represents a ready-made Gulp build for web projects.

Installing npm

To start, install npm (Node Package Manager) if it is not already installed on your computer. npm is used for managing project dependencies. You can install npm by downloading and installing Node js.

Installing Packages

To install all the packages, copy the command from packages.txt and paste it into the terminal.

Running the Build

After successfully installing all dependencies, you can run the build. There are two build modes: development and documentation.

Development Mode

Run the following command to start the build in development mode:

gulp dev

This mode includes automatic monitoring of file changes and rebuilding the project upon any changes.

Docs Mode

Run the following command to build the documentation:

gulp docs

This mode builds the project for documentation, including image optimization, CSS and JS minification, as well as HTML file transformation.

Follow this instruction to successfully install and run your Gulp build. Remember, before running the build, ensure all dependencies are installed, and you are in the project's root directory.


This proest is an off-the-shelf gulp build






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