This is a port of the PassiveAnticheat Script from lordpsyan's repo to AzerothCore
Requires revision c50f7feda or newer.
You can do clone it via git under the azerothcore/modules directory:
cd path/to/azerothcore/modules
git clone
or you can manually download the module, unzip and place it under the azerothcore/modules
3) Execute the included "\sql\characters\base\charactersdb_anticheat.sql" file on your characters database and excute "\sql\world\Acore_strings.sql" on your world datase. This creates the necessary tables for this module.
That's it.
If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (e.g. etc), copy Anticheat.conf.dist
to Anticheat.conf
and edit it as you prefer.
- Identify any class\spells that gives false positives, so far only blink and killingspree has been reported
- Currently no dedicated collumn for ignore control or teleport hack reporting, but the numbers are added to total report. Custom Messages are adjusted in Acore_string for those two anticheats. The reason being is for some damn reason we are getting unrealistic high numbers being reported in the sql if i add in another collumn or two. I have no idea why that happens.
- LOCALE_enUS = 0
- LOCALE_koKR = 1
- LOCALE_frFR = 2
- LOCALE_deDE = 3
- LOCALE_zhCN = 4
- LOCALE_zhTW = 5
- LOCALE_esES = 6
- LOCALE_esMX = 7
- LOCALE_ruRU = 8