Welcome to my CODSOFT repository! Here, I've completed various tasks as part of my CODSOFT assignments.
- Numbers Game: A simple game where you guess a number between a specified range. It generates a random number and prompts the user to guess it. Provides feedback on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct.
- Student Grade Calculator: A program to calculate the grades of students based on their scores. It takes input of scores and calculates the grades according to a predefined grading system.
- ATM Interface: A basic Java program simulating an ATM interface. It allows users to perform basic ATM operations like checking balance, withdrawing money, and depositing money.
CODSOFT was a rewarding experience where I had the opportunity to learn and apply various programming concepts. Through completing these projects, I enhanced my skills in Java programming and problem-solving.
- Numbers Game: To run the Numbers Game, compile and execute the corresponding Java file (
). - Student Grade Calculator: Compile and execute the Java file (
) for the Student Grade Calculator to use it. - ATM Interface: Run the ATM Interface Java program (
) to access its functionalities.
Feel free to explore the code and make any improvements or suggestions!