STIM provides a common interface of ice models to hydrodynamic models.
The aim is to separate the actual ice algoorithms from the hydrodynamic model such that only a well-defined small interface is needed in order to test and use a variaty of different ice models.
As a proof of concept two different models are included in this initial release. Also included is a driver for GOTM.
Source code documentation
The API for do_stim in the GOTM-driver has changed between the legacy and master branch:
subroutine do_stim(dz,dt,Tw,S,Ta,precip,Qsw,Qfluxes)
SUBROUTINE do_stim(dz,dt,ustar,Tw,S,Ta,precip,Qsw,Qfluxes)
!! Arguments
real(rk), intent(inout) :: dz
!! layer thickness [m]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: dt
!! time step [s]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: ustar
!! surface friction velocity [m/s]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: Tw
!! water temperature [C]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: Ta
!! air temperature [C]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: S
!! salinity [g/kg]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: precip
!! precipitation [mm?]
real(rk), intent(inout) :: Qsw
!! short wave radiation [W/m^2]
SUBROUTINE Qfluxes(T,qh,qe,qb)
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
integer, parameter :: rk=real64
real(rk), intent(in) :: T
!! temperature [C]
real(rk), intent(out) :: qh
!! latent heat [W/m^2]
real(rk), intent(out) :: qe
!! sensible heat [W/m^2]
real(rk), intent(out) :: qb
!! net longwave radiation [W/m^2]
end interface