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Things To Do After Installing Boomaga

Alexander Sokolov edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 1 revision

1. Create a Test Document for Initial Testing of Boomaga

Open LibreOffice Writer (or any word-processor) and create a new document that is two pages long. To save ink/toner while doing the testing just enter a short passage of text on each page. On the first line of the first page enter "Test Page 1". On the first line of the second page enter "Test Page 2". Now save the document as "Boomaga Test.odt". Now you are ready to set up Boomaga to do double-sided printing by following the instructions that follow below.

2. Set Boomaga as the Default Printer

To get the most ease of use of Boomaga it is best to set it as the default printer. Doing so means that any time you decide to print a document Boomaga will be automatically selected as the printer to send the print job to. To set Boomaga as the default do the following:

Click on Menu > Administration > Printers This will open a dialogue window, "Printers – localhost", where you will see your printers displayed. Right-click on Boomaga and select "Set As Default". A new dialogue opens asking if you want to set Boomaga as the default "System-Wide" printer – make your selection according to your own preferences – then click "OK". A tick mark will now be shown on the Boomaga printer indicating that it is now set as the default. Now close the "Printers -localhost" window.

3. Printing from Within Boomaga Using an Automatic Duplex Printer

For people who have an automatic duplex printer things must be set up properly so that you can select double-sided or single-sided printing from within Boomaga. (If you have an automatic duplex printer and are experiencing difficulties in getting Boomaga to print single-sided/double-sided according to your preferences as set in Boomaga then doing the steps that follow will likely clear up the difficulty.) To do this follow these three steps:

  1. Set Boomaga as the default printer. (As detailed above.)

  2. Set the physical printer properties to duplex. To do this follow these steps:

    a. Click on Menu > Administration > Printers This will open a dialogue window, "Printers – localhost". There you will see your printers displayed. Right-click on the icon for your physical printer (not Boomaga) and select "Properties". This will open a dialogue "Printer Properties – '[Your Printer Name]' on localhost".

    b. Now you need to find where you set duplex printing for your printer. Where that setting is might vary according to your printer model. For my printer the setting is among those listed under the title "Printer Options". So, click on "Printer Options" (or the equivalent for your printer model) and find the setting most likely titled "Duplex:". On my printer the following were options for the "Duplex" setting: "Simplex" (which would be single-sided printing); "Short Edge Binding" (which is a duplex setting); "Long Edge Binding" (which is a duplex setting). Select "Long Edge Binding" (or equivalent setting for your printer model). Then press the OK button – the dialogue will close and you can now close the "Printers – localhost" window.

  3. Open the document you previously created, "Boomaga Test.odt". From the menu of your word-processor select to print the document, check that Boomaga is the selected printer then click OK. In the Boomaga window that opens select the "Layout" as "1 up" and also select "Double-sided".

For the "Printer" setting you will see to what printer this Boomaga print job will be sent. Use the drop-down arrow and select the printer which is capable of doing automatic duplex printing. Now click on the "Configure…" button – a new dialogue window will open. In that dialogue you will see the option "Duplex:" and will notice that there is a drop-down arrow that allows you to instruct Boomaga on how it should handle duplex printing. Make the Duplex setting "Printer has duplexer" then click Apply/OK. (Note that for this printer you will not need to alter this setting again. Boomaga will remember the printer setting and will adjust the printout accordingly even if you de-select "Double-sided" in the Boomaga dialogue window.)

Now that you have done the steps described above you should be able to control single-sided or double-sided printing for your automatic duplex printer from within Boomaga with a single click of the mouse. Test this out now with your "Boomaga Test.odt" document – print it out double-sided, then print it out single-sided.

##(4) Manual Double-Sided Printing from Within Boomaga

To test manual duplex printing with Boomaga open the document you previously created "Boomaga Test.odt". From the menu of your word-processor select to print the document, check that Boomaga is the selected printer then click OK. In the Boomaga window that opens select the "Layout" as "1 up" and also select "Double-sided".

For the "Printer" setting you will see to what printer this Boomaga print job will be sent. Use the drop-down arrow and select the printer for which you need to do manual duplex printing. Now click on the "Configure…" button – a new dialogue window will open. In that dialogue you will see the option "Duplex:" and will notice that there is a drop-down arrow that allows you to instruct Boomaga on how it should handle duplex printing. Use the drop-down and select "Manual with reverse (suitable for most printers)" then click Apply/OK. Now printout your test document remembering to re-feed the sheet of paper after the first side is printed, so that the second side gets printed to the same sheet of paper (but on the reverse side from the first side printed).

If there is a problem with the printout consider if the way you re-fed the sheet into the printer is the source of the problem. You may need to experiment with this to get it right. Did you flip the sheet over in the correct way (if it actually needs flipping at all)? Did you rotate the sheet in the correct way (if it actually needs rotating at all)? If you experiment with this a bit and find that flipping and rotating is not the source of the problem then use Boomaga's "Configure…" button again, choose the alternative manual duplex method "Manual without reverse" – then repeat your experiments. (Note that once you have found the correct setting for manual duplex printing Boomaga will remember the setting for that printer – you do not have to set it every time you want to print.)

By experimenting with these manual duplex options you should be able to find the best method for manual duplex printing that suits your printer and what you have to do with respect to flipping and rotating the sheets to re-feed. Having done this experiment with a two page document you will now need to refine it a bit and experiment with a four page document. In this way you will be able to see in what order you need to re-feed your sheets so that you can successfully print using manual duplex printing.

By RadicalRadish