A gitee mobile client for Android, develop in Kotlin
A simple implementation for MVVM in kotlin
- Framework
- DI
- Repository
- Net
- OAuth
- Api
- Local
- DataStore
- Room
- DI
- Pages
- Home navigation
- home rv+concat adpter
- notification rv+paging
- profile for user/organization
- follow er/ing same with organization
- repo display vp2+paging
- repo same with home repo
- orga same with home orga
- star same with home repo
- Issues/Pr
- list tablayout+vp2+rv
- Organizations
- list rv+paging
- item same as profile
- Repositories
- list rv+paging
- item rv+concat adapter+md previewer
- issue/pr same as home issue/pr
- watcher same as home orga
- browse code may give up detail view
- commit rv+paging
- Search may give up
- repo same as home repo
- issue same as home issue
- user same as home orga
- Home navigation
- Practical Implementation
- Shared item view
- user item view (orga foer/ing watcher search)
- repo item view (repo starred search)
- issue/pr item view (issue/pr notification)
- Fragment
- Home
- Notification
- Profile
- Repo list
- Repo detail
- Issue/Pr list
- Issue/Pr detail
- User list
- Search Selection
- Shared item view