BotsBurgh is a community team in South Hills, Pennsylvania and strives to provide the students to take lead and excel in the field of STEAM. The team BotsBurgh is a platform for students to work towards a joint goal and develop solutions that are larger and greater than an individual's capabilities. The team actively takes parts in challenges presented by the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) by applying knowledge gained in their experience within the team.
Our code is written in a Modular approach. This means that you can copy over the "Big Three" files (Sensor, Movement, and Robot) over to your folder and utilize the sheer power of a well-written API for your robot. These files are great for beginners and experts alike. Better yet, the "Big Three" can be used year after year (with some exceptions. We wrote it like this because a few years ago, we realized that it was difficult to change variables all across the code, such as when we wanted the robot to go slower during both Autonomous and TeleOp. From there, Nitesh and Myself (Sambhav) decided to centralize the most-used parts of our code, such as moving the robot around and moving the lift up and down. Because of this, the programmers have had to do less work every year, leading to a better robot. This year, we incorporated ACME'S RoadRunner into our code to enhance the Mecanum driving mechanism of our robot. Using RoadRunner, we are programming an odometry system to give the robot a "sense of awareness" in a 2D plane and make autonomous programming more efficient.