Assignment 2 for QUT's CAB432 unit (Cloud Computing), Semester 2, 2019.
Built to Assignment Specification version September 25 00:39AM.
- Luke Humphryes (Humphrey-Bear)
- Brad Fuller (BradF-99)
- Node.js 10+ and NPM 6+
- Redis 4.0+
- Azure Storage account (GPv2)
GitHub generates a full list of dependencies which can be found here.
- This assignment was built to run on Microsoft Azure, using Virtual Machine Scale Sets / load balancers and Azure Storage Account. Usage with other configurations and host providers will (most likely) not work without modification.
- Any API keys that were used as part of development are no longer available for use. Any URLs referenced have been deactivated.
- This project was designed for a fictional use-case in a university assignment, and may not be production-ready. Re-use and/or modification are not allowed in any circumstances. All rights reserved.
- This project (in it's entirety) has been processed by the QUT MoSS system, and any plagiarism will be detected automatically.