The MITLL High Ball team’s directive is to design, launch, and control a high altitude balloon (HAB). A control system will use varying wind currents at different altitudes to adjust the balloon’s position. The High Ball team is requesting $1000 for development and testing of a viable HAB control system.
- Mathew Manning
- Brandon Redder
- David Richardson
- David Sanchez
- Kristy Scott
- Kyle Watters
Sponsor: MIT Lincoln Laboratories
Point of Contact: Navid Yazdani
Primary Advisor: Dr. Morris Cohen
Additional Advisor: Dr. Whit Smith
The goal of this project is to develop an altitude and location control system for a latex HAB to allow long duration flights over a general location. Algorithms take into account current pressure and temperature conditions when venting helium or dropping ballast to estimate altitude changes. This will allow for inexpensive controlled balloon flights for a variety of payloads.