SugarPy is a SugarCube v2 interpreter and processor heavily relying on ANTLR v4 parser generator. You can use Twine/Twee stories in your Python 3 code. For instance, in the cloud-based backend.
Read ANTLR4 documentation on how to install it for development
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 SugarCubeLexer.g4 -visitor -o sugarpy
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 SugarCubeLexer.g4 -visitor -o sugarpy
antlr4 SugarCubeLexer.g4
antlr4 SugarCubeParser.g4
javac SugarCube*.java
grun SugarCube parse -tree -gui
Paste test scene data and then Ctrl+d
Run sample/