A short class to implement some basic patching, restoration, and function copying for backup.
- x86 only
- Hook patching
- Hook unpatching (byte restoration)
- Function copying for backup
#include "PatchHook.hpp"
typedef int(WINAPI* tMessageBoxA)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT);
tMessageBoxA MessageBoxABackup = nullptr;
int WINAPI MessageBoxAReplacement(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR text, LPCSTR caption, UINT type)
if (strcmp(text, "This is Text") == 0)
text = "Creative Text";
if (MessageBoxABackup)
return MessageBoxABackup(hWnd, text, caption, type);
int main()
PatchHook* MessageBoxHook = new PatchHook(reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(MessageBoxA),
reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(MessageBoxAReplacement), 5, true);
if (MessageBoxHook->ApplyHook())
MessageBoxABackup = reinterpret_cast<tMessageBoxA>(MessageBoxHook->GetBackupFunction());
MessageBoxA(NULL, "This is Text", "Creative Caption", MB_OK);
if (MessageBoxHook->Hooked())
if (MessageBoxHook->RemoveHook())
MessageBoxA(NULL, "This is Text", "Creative Caption", MB_OK);
delete MessageBoxHook;