Deploy Function App using the Schedule Trigger for getting Oracle Cloud Audit Events data into Azure Sentinel
This function app will poll Oracle Cloud Audit Events API every 5 mins for logs. It is designed to get AuditEvents.
- Create an Azure Function on Linux for Python using the Timer trigger
- Create a Managed Service Identity (MSI) for the function
- Go to Azure Sentinel Workspace and IAM Blade and add OCI Data Function as a Reader Role
- Deploy the function application code to the Azure Function, note the Azure Storage Account associated with this Function App
- Add Oracle Confidential App, Generate Base 64 ClientID:ClientSecret string, and Find IDCS Uri
- Review:
"USER_OCID": "ocid1.user....",
"OCI_KEY_CONTENT": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nProc-Type: 4,...",
"OCI_PASS_PHRASE": "********",
"OCI_TENANCY" : "ocid1.tenancy.oc1....",
"OCI_REGION" : "us-ashburn-1"
The Terraform will deploy Azure Key Vault store the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure details that are needed. The OCI_KEY_CONTENT secret is the content of the key file. There are a number of ways to import this into a Key Vault secret The Azure Function uses Key Vault references in its App Settings so these secrets are made available via the os.environ[] dictionary, which simplifies the code and improves portability.