This website was made as part of a project for my chemistry class in January-February of 2020. We were learning about moles and how they apply to chemistry, and celebrated Mole Day as a fun way to get excited about chemistry while continuing to expand our knowledge of the mole. Mole Day is in fact a real holiday, but is traditionally celebrated on October 23rd. We celebrated in February because back in October we hadn't covered the concept of moles yet.
Although this repository is open to the public, I will most likely not be accepting any pull requests unless it is for trivials things such as typos. This website was by no means supposed to be a serious project. I made it as a fun school project, and don't intend on expanding upon it. I simply made a public repository so that people could see what went into making this website.
That being said, if you are looking at this project either by having randomly stumbled upon it, or because you decided to take a look at it after seeing it at school, then thank you so much for stopping by. I am very proud of this project(even if it's not the prettiest because my graphic design skills suck and my code was really messy because I was rushing)and I really appreciate anyone looking at my work.
Click here to be taken to the website
Or click here to be taken to the second half of this project: a diglett render